Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 14
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 167
________________ MAY, 1885.) CHINGHIZ KHAN AND HIS ANCESTORS. 145 Madaku. They then traversed the great sandy it, and which was probably Karakorum, They desert, Sha-mo, and reached the lake Yu'rh-li, then entered the rugged passes of the Khangwhere Chinghiz retired to after his campaign kai chain where our chronicler noticed the in China in 1215. The name means the fishing immense pine-trees and very severe cold, and lake, and is identified by Dr. Bretschneider eventually reached one of Chinghiz Khan's ordus, with the Po-yü-rh-hai of other Chinese writers, where one of his wives lived. The sage received situated in Southern Mongolia, lat. 43° 50' N., an invitation to visit the ordu, and we are told called Tar-nor by the Mongols." Leaving the Chinese princess and the Princess of Hia here they travelled towards the north-east, | i.e. two of Chinghiz Khan's concubines, daughpassing a number of black carts and white tents, ters respectively of the Chinese Emperor and and eventually reached a tributary of the La-ku, the Emperor of Hia) sent presents of millet and or Keralon, which they forded. Early in May, silver. Flour here cost 50 liang" for every 80 1221, they reached the camp of Ochigin. The kin (one kin=l; lb.) It had to be brought on ice was only just beginning to melt, and the camels from beyond the Tien Sban, or Celestial first green was appearing on the ground. A Mountains. Leaving the ordu they proceeded wedding was being celebrated, and many Mongol several days in a south-easterly direction, and chiefs had arrived with mare's milk, and several apparently approached the country of the thousand black carts and white tents were Uighurs, passing 'near the ruins of an ancient city ranged in rows, Ch'ang-Ch'un had an interview called Ho-la-Siao. Not far from the modern with Ochigin, who inquired about the means of Uliassutai they met some Hui-ho or Uighurs, prolonging life. It was thought more be- who were engaged in irrigating the fields. coming that the sage should reserve his precepts Several days later they reached & range of for the hearing of Chinghiz Khân, and he pro- snowy mountains called A-bu-han in the Si-yamised to call again, and impart his knowledge ki and A-lu-huan in the biography of Chen-hai on his return. Ochigin supplied the party with in the Yuan-shi. I cannot identify it. Perhaps 100 horses and 10 carts, and they again set out, the name survives in that of the River Jabkan. and soon reached the Kerulon, where it spreads South of these mountains the travellers itself out into a big lake, i.e. probably Lake found a town called T'ien-ch-en-hai-ba-la-hoKu-lun, the Dalai Nor. They went along the sun." There were more than 300 families from southern banks of the Keralon, and an eclipse Western Asia there, engaged in weaving gold of the sun took place at noon. This was early brocade, end 300 from Pien-king (i.e. Kai-fengin June, 1221. The high willows on the banks fu in Honan) making woollen cloth. The people of the Keralon were utilized by the Mongols for came out to meet the sage with great joy, making their tents. bearing variegated umbrellas and presents of After 16 days' journey, they reached a place flowers. There also went to him two concuwhere the river changes its direction towards the bines of the Kin Emperor, and the mother of a north-west, and they took the direct post road Chinese princess, trophies of the Mongol camfrom Ya'rh-li to Karakorum, The Mongols paign in China. The latter said she had presented him with millet, and said they had been often heard of and wished to see him, and waitinga year for him, and he gave them jujubes. expressed her wonder at having at length The country now was well peopled, the natives met him under such strange circumstances. living in black carts and white tents, and being Chen-hai paid the sage a visit, who expressed engaged in cattle-breeding and hunting. They his surprise that agriculture should be carried dressed in furs and skins, and lived on milkon in such a desert. He also asked him if he and flesh meat. They passed a ruined city should stay there till Chinghiz Khan's return. traditionally built by the Khitans, where Chen-hai replied that, on the contrary, he had they found a tile with Khitan characters on received orders to expedite his journey. Ho * ibid, pp. 20 and 21 note 23. military settlement was established at A-la-huan by 1 Fach of 6 to 7 shillings. Chinghis Khan and Chen-hai was appointed its governor. " Balghasun in Mongol means town, t'ien moana field. whenoo, no doubt, the place was called Chen-hai-bale Chen-haí is the name of a high official in the Mongolho-sun. It was also called T'ang-t'u, from the magazines service, called Ching-kai by Rashidu'd-din, who was a of corn there. Uighur. In his biography in the Yuan-ahi we are told that


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