vallabhendra, who adorned the family of the son of Danarnava, succeeded to the throne, the Chalukyas who are glorious; who are and reigned for twelve years (1.51). He was of the lineage of Månarya, which is praised followed by his younger brother Vimalathroughout the whole world; who are the sonsditya (1. 52). The inscription then mentions of Hârîtî; who have been nourished by the Rajaraja, of the Súryanvaya or lineage of Mothers (of mankind); who have meditated on the Sun (1. 55). His son was Rajendra-Choda the feet of Svâmi-Mahasena; who have had the | (1. 57), whose younger sister was Kündavâmaterritories of their enemies made subject to them hadevi (1. 61) Vimalâditya married Kandavá, on the instant at the sight of the excellent and reigned for seven years (1. 62). Their son sign of the Boar, which they acquired through was Rajaraja II. (1. 64), also called Vishņuthe favour of the holy Narayana; and whose vardhana (1.75), who ascended the throne in bodies have been purified by ablutions performed Saka 944 (A.D. 1022-23), when the sun was in after celebrating horse-sacrifices, -ruled over the sign of the Lion, on Guruvara or Thursday, the country of Vengi for eighteen years." the second day of the dark fortnight of the
We next have the usual succession of Eastern month Bhadrapada (1. 65-67). Chalukya kings, down to Amma II. The remainder of the inscription records the (1.47),-with the statement that Indraraja grant, made by Rajaraja, on the occasion of an reigned for seven days (1. 37.) After him, his eclipse of the moon, of the village of Koruhalf-brother, Dinârnava, reigned for three melli (1. 103), in the Guddava di vishaya years. The kingdom was then without a lord, (1.77), to a Brâhman named Chidamarya (1. 86) and in a state of trouble, for twenty-seven of the Bharadvaja gotra and the Apastamba years (1. 48). Then Châluky a-Chandra, nitra.
First plate. ['] Om [ilo] Sri®-dhâmnaḥ purush-ôttamasya mahatô Nåråyaṇasya prabhôr=nnäbhi
parkaruhůd=babha. ['] va jagatas=srash Svayambhus-tataḥ jajõe mânasa-sûnur-Atrir=iti ya[ho] tasmân=
munêr-Atritas-Somô [') vanía-karas=sudh-âmáur=udita[ho] Śrfkanta(ntha)-chúđâmaṇiḥ ICID Tasmåd’=&sit
sudhâ-gûtér-Bbodhô budha-nutasta[*] tah j[a®]tah Purůravå nama chakrava[r*]tti Bavikramaḥ ACID Tasmád=&yor=
Ayush) Nahushah tato YA(ya). [*] yâtis-chakravartti vamsa-kartta tataḥ Parur-iti chakravartti tat8 Janamêjayô=
svamédha-trita[°] yasya kartt[a] tataḥ Prachtsah tasmåt-Sainyayâtih tatê Hayapatin(b) tatas
Sârvy. ['] bho(bhau)mah tatô " Jayasənah tato Mahâbhaumah tasmåd=Débanakah tataḥ
Krðdhậnanah ['] tatô Devakih Dévakêr-I(ri)bhukah tasmad=Rikshakah | tato Mativaras-satrar
yAga-yaji Sara[') svati-nadi-nathah tataḥ Katyâyana) Kâtyâyanan=Nilah 'tatô Dushyantah tata
dryyA(ryy) Garn ["] gå-YaminA-tirê yadavichhchi(chchhi)nn[&]n=nikhaya yapan=kramabah křitva tathe
Aévamedha(dha)n=nâma maha-ka{"] Emma Bharata iti yô-labhata tato Bhara'tad-Bhdmanyuh tasmåt-Suhôtrah
tató Hasti tatô Virð
* The Sektivarman of the genealogy given by Dr. Barnell in South Indian Palmography, p. 22, and of No. CLIV. line 19. p. 58 below.
* As salonlated by the Tables in Gen. Cunningham's Indian Bros, this bowers to Thursday, the 19th July, A D. 1082.
No further details are given of the date on which the grant was made.
From the original plates. Metro, Sardflavikridita. ' Metro, Sloba (Anushtabh)
First td wm engraved here, and then it was corrested | into bhara.