Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 14
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 108
________________ 30 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MARCH, 1885. already named, who was encamped near Uch- of Nandanah, called Bebeh by Erdmann, and châ or Uch, with 20,000 men. Jalalud-din rightly Biah by D'Ohsson, who says one of Jalalnow sent Jahan Pahlavan against the latter u'd-din's officers was in command of it, and at the head of 7,000 men. They surprised that it was taken with great slaughter. The Kabajah in the night, and completely defeated Mongols now advanced upon Multán, along the him. He fled to an island on the Indus, and western bank of the Jhelam. Finding the river Jalalud-din occupied Uchcha. Presently he there unfordable, they constructed a bridge by reached Multan, and on the Sultan's demand means of rafts. They then invested the town, paid him a considerable sum. Meanwhile the and battered it severely with catapults for 42 hot season being at hand Jalalu'd-din withdrew days, but were eventually obliged to raise the to the Salt Range, and captured a fortress called siege on account of the terrible summer heat. Bisiram or Bisram, where he was wounded in They therefore contented themselves with the band by an arrow." The Mongols impelplundering the district round Multân, Labor, led him to move further, and he approached Peshawar, and Malikpûr, recrossed the Indus, Multân, where Kabajah, knowing he was hard and went back to join their master. Meanpressed, refused him admittance. He then while Chinghiz Khân, whose policy was to went on to Uch, where he stayed two days, and stamp out every ember of dissatisfuction, had which he fired, and thence went on to Siwastân Gespatched three fresh armies, southwards and or Sihwan, already named, which was held by westwards and northwards. under his sons, a deputy of Kubajah, Fakhru'd-din Salari, who Jagatai and Ogotai, and the general Ilchikadai sent out a detachment, which was beaten, and respectively. he then thought it best to submit. Jalalu'd-din Abu'l-gházi says that Jagatai was sent to the entered the town, where he remained a month, provinces of Kesh and Makran." De la Croix, conferred a robe of honour on Fakhru'd-din, apparently following Rashidu'd-din, says he whom he appointed his deputy in Sindustán, took 60,000 men with him, and was sent to the and then went on to Dibal and Damrilah, at provinces of Sindh and Kirmân, to prevent the mouth of the Indus. There he encamped, Jaláln'd-din from sheltering there. He says its Abyssinian governor having meanwhile taken further that Makrån at this time appertained flight in a boat, and there he founded a Jami' to Sindh. Masjid on the ruins of an idol temple. Thence His account is that Jagatai first captured he sent a force under Khas Khân towards the various principal places in Kirmân, then Nahrwalah, in Gujarat, which returned with a turned to Makrân, and captured Tiz which vast booty. He remained in this district till Ishtakhri names as a sea-port of Makran and the Mongols returned home to their own some other places, and then wintered in country, when he also retraced his steps across Kilanjâr," which Wolff identifies probably with the Indus. Thus did the young Sultân evade his a portion of the modern Baluchistân. Its ruler merciless pursuers, to whom we will now turn. was the Salar Ahmad, who was submissive, and Chinghiz Khản was not likely to allow him supplied the invaders with forage and other to escape without an effort. He accordingly necessaries. Bent Bela Noyan and Durbai Noyan, called As he meant to stay there some time the Turtai by Raverty, and Durmun by Miles, soldiers built themselves houses, and even got with 20,000 men across the Indus in pursuit of themselves flocks of sheep. Their quarters were him. They speedily reached the district for far apart, and they had plenty of slaves to wait merly governed by Qamru'd-din Karmani, and on them. They planted gardens, and began, in which had recently been seized by one of the fact, to behave as if they meant to settle there Sultân's Amirs, a district which Raverty calls altogether. Presently, however, the hot winds, Banban or Banian. Here was the strong fortress which prevail there in summer, began to blow, Tabakat-i-Nasirf, p. 294 note. Id. pp. 294 and 296 note. . D'ohinon, vol. I. pp. 309-310. Erdmann, p. 432; Tabakdt-i-Napírt, p. 586 note. Tabak04--Nasirl, p. 338 note; Erdmann, p. 482; D'Ohsson, vol. I. p. 810. * Op. cit. p. 188. De La Croix, p. 882. * This name is very probably corrupt. Raverty says it also occurs as Lanjar, Kanjer, and oven Lanhar, and Erdmann gives the variante Debuyeh Ketur and Debuseb Kebur. Do la Croix, pp. 336, 837). Tabakåt-1-Ndgiri, I p. 1074; Erdmann, p. 133; and note 326.


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