Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 14
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 116
________________ 98 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [APRIL, 1885. Is The present inscription should be compared |"] कैश्चिदयमन्यथाकरणीयो यस्त्वेतामाज्ञा विलwith others of the same two rulers, Siva deva | चान्यथा कुand Amsu varman, published in this Journal ["] कारयेद्वा तमहमतितरान मर्षयिष्यामि ये in 1880 (Vol. Ix. p. 168 ff.) by Pandit Bhag वास्मदूwânlal Indraji and Dr. Bühler, which give the दुभूभुजो भवितारस्तैरपि धर्मगुरुभिर्म[-- dates of Samvat 34 and 39 (referred to the SriHarsha era) for Amsnvarman. As we know कृतमसाfrom Hionen Thsang that Amíuvarman flourish [*] दानुवर्तिभिरियमाज्ञा सम्यक्परिपालनीयेति समाed in the first half of the VIIth century A.D., ज्ञापना the date of this inscription may contribute to [१] दूतकश्चात्र भोगवा श्वामी(ric) संवत् ३१८ the solution of the vexed questions as to the ज्येष्ठ शुक्लदिवा दशम्याम् eras between the Saka and that of Sri-Harsha. TRANSLATION. Containing three numerals, of which the first ___Hail! From Managriha. The illustrious is the symbol for 300, it can hardly refer to any Sivadeva, meditating on the feet of Bappa, other era than that commencing A.D. 319, who has illuminated the quarters by the daywhich is still regarded by some as the Gupta spring of his countless virtues, being in good Valabhi era. health, to the cultivators resident in the TEXT. villages of MÁkhôshtam and Satsaradranga (?) [.] स्वस्ति मानगृहादपरिमितगुणसमुदयोद्भासित under the lead of their headmen, with due enquiries after their health, addresses the fol lowing order:[ ] प्यपादानुद्धयातो लिच्छविकुलकेतुर्भट्टारकमहा- "Be it known to you that, at the request of राजश्रीशिवदे the great feudatory Amsuvarman, who by his renowned ... doughty and . . . prowess [:] वः कुशली माखोष्टंसत्सरद्रगनिवासिनः प्रधान has subdued the might of his innumerable foes, [जनपुरस्सरा out of regard for him and compassion for you, I [.] न्यामकुटुम्बिनः कुशलपरिप्रश्नपूबै समाज्ञाप- grant you this boon, namely that the officials of Kûbêrvati' are allowed entrance for the levying [यति] विदि only of not more than the three taxes, but not [] तम्भवतु भवतां यथानेन प्रख्या [तामल विपुल-| for granting writings or for the five offences. Therefore this boon must not be infringed by ro] राक्रमप्रशमितामितविपक्षमभावेन महासामन्ता- our dependants who have cognisance of this, nor by any other parties whatsoever : and शुवर्म whosoever, in contravention of this order, does [1] णा विज्ञापितेन मयैतद्गारवाद्युष्मदनुकम्पया च 80 infringe or cause infringement, him I will कूबेव in no wise suffer; moreover such kings as shall [ ] त्यधिकृतानामत्र समुचितस्त्रिकरमात्रसाधनायव be after us, ought, as guardians of religion and प्रवे (thus) as followers of grants (made ....), to preserve my order in its entirety. In this [२] शो लेख्यदानपञ्चापराधाद्यान्त्वमवेश इति | matter the executive officer is Bhôgavarman प्रसादो वः Svâmin. Samvat 318, on the 10th of the bright [10] कुतस्तदेवं वेदिभिरस्मत्मसादोपजीविभिरन्या न I fortnight of Jyeshtha. दिशो ब THE GAHARWARS AND RATHORS. BY A. F. RUDOLF HOERNLE, PH.D. . With regard to the events that led to the sideration. The Basabi land-grant,' published change of dynasty in Kanaaj at the time of the in the Jour. Beng. As. Soc. Vol. XLII. Part I. accession of the so-called Rathors, I would p. 321ff., seems to me to throw light on this venture to make a suggestion for further con point. I do not think the significance of the treasury-officers,' in spite of the somewhat bar. of the Researches of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1784 barised form. to 1883, Part II. Appendix I. Revised and reprinted from the Centenary Review See below, p. 101 i.


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