Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 14
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 149
________________ MAY, 1885.1 ABORIGINAL TRIBES OF INDIA. 131 the Bodos. The exorcist places before him on among the Nägas is to cut slices from a reed, the ground thirteen leaves, with a few grains and observe how these fall. They also kill a of rice upon each. Over these leaves, which fowl, and notice how the legs lie. If the right represent the names of divinities, he causes a leg lies over the left, the omen is favourable; pendulum suspended from his thumb to vibrate, but if the reverse is the case, it is unlucky. and the leaf towards which it moves indicates Among some of the tribes the diviners are the god to be propitiated. An appropriate called ojhás, a Hindi word derived from ojh, victim is then promised him, but only on con- "entrail." Among the Mandas a common way dition that the patient recovers. The same use to ascertain which of the gods ought to be of a pendulum has been observed among the propitiated is to drop oil into water, at the Pahariảs. Sometimes the sickness is due to same time naming a deity. If the globule the spell of a witch, and then the following remains whole, the right name has been pro. method is employed by the Kols for the detec. nounced, but if it divides, the experiment tion of the offender. A large cone-shaped must be repeated. A method sometimes em. wooden vessel is placed apex downward upon ployed by the Orions to show whether the god the ground, and on this is laid a flat stone. A is pleased with a proposed sacrifice is to make boy is made to balance himself upon the stone, & mud image of him, and to sprinkle apon it a while the names of all the people in the vicinity few grains of rice; then the fowls designed for are slowly repeated. With the mention of the sacrifice are placed before it, and if they each name a few grains of rice are thrown at peck at the rice the omen is favourable. Belief the boy; and when the right name is uttered in witchcraft is not uncommon. The Kachâris the stone moves, and he falls off. The foretell- regard sickness as frequently due to this cause; ing of future events by the observation of and, having discovered by divination the old omens is one of the most important functions woman exercising the spoll, they flog her until of the priest; although the interpretation of she confesses, and then drive her from the these is among some tribes the duty of a spe- | village. This belief in witches, and wizards as cial diviner, who is another person than the well, appears to be most prevalent among the priest. Among the Singhpos the diviner holds Kol tribes of Central India. Sometimes a over the fire joints of a large sort of grass until magician pretends to have discovered that the they explode, and then examines the position evil influence proceeds from a rival in another of the minute fibres thrown out beside the village. The latter is then summoned and fracture. The Abors scrutinise the entrails beaten until he finds it best to admit his fault. of birds, but get the best results from pig's If he is unable to undo the evil caused by his liver. They informed Colonel Dalton "that the spell, the beating continues, sometimes with words and faces of men were ever fallacious, fatal results. If the Gonds have reason to but that pig's liver never deceived them." think that death has been caused by witchcraft, The Khasias seek omens from the contents of the funeral rites are postponed until the soreggs. The western Niga tribes put the village cerer has been pointed out. This is accomunder tabt when the omens are to be observed; plished by the aid of the corpse. They first and no one is permitted to enter or leave it, or make a solemn appeal to it, and then taking it to engage in labour for two days. This especi- up carry it about the village. It will lead the ally occurs when they are about to cut down bearers to the house of the gailty person, and the jungle for their rude agriculture. At this if this is done three times it is regarded as contime all fire is extinguished, and new fire is clusive evidence, and summary vengeance is produced by the friction of two sticks. When inflicted upon him. It is easy to see that this there is a birth or death in a family the house is a convenient way to get rid of an obnoxious is put under tabú for five days, and no one but individual. Witches are supposed to have the inmates can enter or leave it. The same demon lovers, with whom they dance and sing practice of tabi is observed among the Mish- at night in the forest. The Khonds believe mis, who, when misfortune visits a house, thus that some women can transform themselves isolate it by placing the sprig of a certain plant into tigers; and occasionally individuals at the door. A common mode of divination endeavour to spread this impression regarding


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