Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 14
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 136
________________ 119 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [APRIL, 1885. place while the civil administration was made terrible slaughter, neither age nor sex being over to the Khoja Fakhr-u'd-din Abdu'r. spared, and for seven days a continual scene of Rahman, who was apparently a Jewish banker bloodshed ensued, while the buildings were of great wealth, and the two proceeded to torn down and burnt. 1,600,000 people are put the place in a state of defence. When said to have perished in this butchery, and Chinghiz Khân heard of this outbreak he Ilchikadai sent his master the most precious reprimanded Tuloi severely for his generosity things he had captured, with several thousand to the Herat people, and sent his nephew young captives." Having captured Herat Ilchithe Noyan Ilchikadai, son of his younger kadai marched very naturally to revenge limbrother Kachiun, with an army of 80,000 self apon Kalyun, and when he reached the horsemen, and with the grim remark that Kasbah of Aobahhe sent a body of 2,000 inasmuch as the dead had come to life again, he | men with orders to return to Herat and to kill Was to take care this did not occur again, by cut- any fugitives who might have returned and reting off the heads of the citizens and sparing occupied it. They thus slaughtered 3,000 more; nothing." He set out in January 1222, and D'Ohsson says 2,000 people. Of the famous having reached the river of Herat halted for a men of Herat only Khalif Mulana Sherif-u'd month, while he collected his siege machinery, din Chugrutan remained alive. He had 15 and also got together an army of 50,000 men companions with him, and they sheltered on a from the neighbouring districts of Khorasan, scarped rock in that district till the danger was Balkh and Shaburghan. This raised his army over. This small band, which had only grown to 130,000 men, and he seems to have disposed to 40 a year later, constituted the entire poputhe greater part of them in four bodies of lation of Herat, and they lived together in the 30,000 each, about the four sides of the city, great mosque: a proof of the terrible punishand sent a menacing message into the place to inent the plate received." Meanw bile Ilchi. say that those who resisted would be punished kadai proceeded to attack Kalyan, which was with death, while those who did not would be governed by Ikhtiyar-ul-Mulk, engrosser of the Apared. Imperial seals, assisted by two famous chamThe place was well prepared for defence, and pions, sons of Abubekr, also called the Sozanits governor was an indomitable person. gar.' They were so tall that it was said when Minhaj-i-Saraj describes him as "an aged they accompanied Sultan Muhammed Khuarozm man of fine and handsome presence, who rode Shah with their hands placed on his stirrups, through the city, fully armed and who arrayed their heads rose higher than his. They were also in defensive armour and lance in hand fought famous for their valour. The fortress was well against the infidels until he attained martyr. provisioned, and abundantly supplied with me dom." The siege lasted for six months and and weapons, and had only recently been conseventeen days, during which several assaults quered, together with the neighbouring fortress were made, in each of which the Mongols are of Fiwar, by the Khuậrezm Shah. The garrison said to have lost 5,000 men. At length a long made numerous sorties, and so harassed their stretch of wall was battered down, and accord. assailants, that the latter eventually surrounded ing to one reading buried 400 of the besiegers in the fortress with a wall in which were two the rains : another is that they took possession gates with walls before them, or as some copies of the ruins. Dissension now arose inside, one of the work say with a double wall, and men party being for capitulating and the other for were assigned to keep watch at night. "A continuing the struggle. At length, on the trustworthy person related how a fox was 14th of June 1222, the Mongols forced their entrapped inside this wall between it and the way in at the gate afterwards called the fortress for a period of seven months and could Khakiskar Burj or Gate of Arches, and began a not get away, showing how closely the place 1 Erdmann, P. 124; Tabakat-i-Nosiri, p. 1049 note. 13 Tabak 4-6-Naşiri, pp. 1050 and 1051. 1. Erdmann says 40, and Raverty 50 ells. Erdmann, pp. 424 and 425 ; D'Ohason, Vol. I. p. 813 ; Tubalat - Napin, pp. 1050 and 1051 notes ; Abulghazi, pp. 137 and 133; Sharat-ul-Atrak, pp. 104 and 167. 18-Reverty says it is a well known place on the direct route from Herat to Kabul, but I cannot find it on my mape, nor Kalyun either. 1 Erdmann, pp. 425 and 426 D'Ohsson, vol. I, pp. 313 and 814; Shajrat-ul-Atrak, 167. Tabakat-i-Năşiri, pp. 1008 and 1052.


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