Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 14
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 131
________________ OMENS FROM THE FALLING OF HOUSE LIZARDS. 113 falls on the forehead wealth is obtained ; if ondestruction, and if on to the middle of the the right cheek, any wealth specially wished left hand, it brings wealth. for is obtained ; if on the left cheek, the If a lizard fall on to the belly, it brings riches; man is blessed with a sight of his deceased on to the waist, clothes, and on to the navel, relations, and if in the middle of the cheek, victory and fame. If on to the buttocks, it he will get his “daily bread." brings disease, on to the anus, death; on to If a lizard falls on the eye-brows, there will the thighs, a loss of clothes; on to the pubey, be a loss of wealth, but if between them, there destruction of property; on to the private will be an accretion of wealth. If it drops on parts, & sore disease ; on to either knee, imto the right eye, the omen is good, but if on prisonment; on to the ankle-bone, the death to the left, imprisonment is sure to follow. of a wife. If a lizard fall on to the right ear, gain, but If a lizard fall anywhere below the knees to if on to the left, trouble will follow. Should the feet, it bodes a journey; on to the feet, one fall on to the nose, it is lucky, but if it imprisonment; and on to the feet joined together, fall on to the end of it it is calamitous. If one death; on to the heel, it will cause happiness; fall on to the mouth, a feast of sweet dishes is but on to the toes, a son's death; and on to imminent; if on to the apper lip a beating, but the toe-nails, the death of domestic animals and if on to the lower lip, wealth and splendour. honsehold servants. If one should fall on to the joined lips, death is But the luckiest thing of all is that of a lizard certain, and if below the lips and above the falling on the soles of the feet, as then all chin, know there will be enmity with the king. enemies are sure to perish! If one fall on to the throat, there will be & WOMEN. meeting with friends, and if below it, there is a If a lizard fall upon the head of a woman, fear of the action of enemies. she becomes wealthy; but if upon her skull If a lizard fall on to the right shoulder, there it means death; upon the knot of the hair, will be a success shortly, but defeat if one falls on disease; and on to the end of the hair, death. to the left shoulder. The greatest happiness If one fall on the neck there will be constant ensues on a lizard's falling on to the middle strife; if on the forehead, a loss of property ; of the hand, but if it fall on to the other parts and if on the right cheek, be sure that widow. of the hand or on to the back of it, loss of hood will be her lot. But if a lizard fall on property is sustained. If one falls on to the her left cheek she will meet her beloved ; and wrist, it means jewels and ornaments, and if live long, if it fall on the right ear. She on to the fingers, it means the fulfilment of the will obtain golden ornaments if it falls on her heart's desire, but if on the nails, a loss of left ear. There will be misery if it falls on her wealth. right eye, but if on the left eye the Sastras If a lizard falls on to the back, there will be assure her that she will meet her absent news of friends, and if on either side, a husband. meeting with an absent brother. A lizard fall- If a lizard fall on her nose, she will get some ing on to the heart increases happiness, on disease; if on the upper lip, strife; if on the lower to either breast, fortune; into the arm-pits, lip, wealth and splendour; and if on the closed bestows happiness on the women of the house- lips, destruction. If a lizard fall below the hold. lips, and above the chin, strife will follow; if A lizard falling on to the left upper arm, will on to the mouth, a sweet feast; if on to the cause much agony of mind, but good luck if throat, ornaments; if on to the shoulders, ornaon to the right arm. If one fall on to the left ments set with precious gems; if on to the hand, a quarrel will arise in the family; if on to loins, immediate happiness and wealth; if on the left wrist, a loss of property will be to the back, enmity with brothers; if on to sustained. If one fall on to the back of the either side, she will meet her brothers. left hand or fingers, it gives fame or renown; If a lizard fall on a woman's right hand, a but if on the nails of the left hand it will cause loss of property will be incurred; if on to her But some say that this means misery


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