MARCH, 1885.]
[10] gerre(re)ya."Vishộupattavarddhana || Bhârad vajagôtriya-Rilha ukla-sata-Sri-Vipradása
Padmanabhasamrma". [1] upadhyâyaḥ tasya vri(vri)tti-chatashtayam || Âtrêyagôtra-Sâmavêdi-Hariharabhatt
opadhyâyah [ll] [105] Chha || Bhumi yaḥ pratigrihñati yas=cha dânam prayachchhati táv=ubhau
punya-karmmånau niya[108] tau svarga-gåminau || Api hasta-mitâm bhůmim yo vipråga prayachchhati
shashtim rva(va)rsha-sa· [*0?) hasråņi svargê lêkê mahiyate || Dâna-pâlanayôr=madhyê dânâch=chhrêpô=nupa[10] lanam dânât=svargam=avâpnôti palanâd=achyutam padam || Sva-dattår para
| dattâm và yô ha[] rêta vasundharam s hashțim varsha-sahasrâņi vishtha(shțayam jậyatê krimih
Gam=akami (1) ratnikâm=éka[m*] bhúmo(mê)r=apy=ékam=amgulan haram(n) narakam=åpnoti
yavad=A-bhuta-samplavam || Sâmânyó[") yan dharma-sêtur=nţipâņâm kål& kålên pålaniyo mahadbhiḥ sarvån=êtân=bhävinaḥ
pârthivêmdrán=bhûyê [""] bhûyê yêchat& Ramachandrah | Yð ddva-puja-pragļihita-chittð yð vairi-pakshêshu
grihîta-khadgah ||(1) [**] yở vrÂ(brâ)hmaņêshv=arpita-vitta-råśiḥ & Chan[**]disețțir=bhavatâch-chir-àyuh ||
Bahubhir=vasudha bhukta [] rajabhiḥ Sagar-Adibhiḥ | yasya yasya yada bhumis-tasya tasya tadâ pa(pha)lam ||
Srimach-Chan(*](1") disvara-kțita-dharmô=yam sarva-dharmatd=bhyadhikab ||(1) kalpa-sthâyi bhūyâd=bhūyâd
apy=8sha dîrgh-Ayuh ["] Chha || Sri-Sómanátha-sri-på dapadm-ârâdhakam(h) sri-Chan[m]disetih || Chha ||
Lekhakaḥ jyotisha["] Basavana-upadhyâyaḥ || Chha || Sri || Svasti Sri || Mangala-maha-Sri || Chha !
Sri || Chha || [**] Kasyapagôtra-Mangalapandita-sata-Gôpalapamditanu
mahajanam gali(li)ge [**] nadahan vavêdya-vrittiḥ da | Chha | Srih | Chha || Bharadvajagotriya-Himada
Någadêvapa[120] tavarddhanah
Bharad vajagôtra-Vipradása-Padmanabhabhatt opadhyâya-suta[""] Sômanathaddvasya vitti-dvayam ICID Chha || Srill TRANSLATION.
1 (L. 6.)-Victorious was Jaitugi, his brave Ôm! Salutation to Siva ! Salutation to the and excellent son. The king called Jaitugi glorious Ganapati ! May that first boar" pro- was born to the king named Simhaņa in the tect you, reflected on whose tusk the earth Yadava family, resembling an ocean, just as the was supported, and, through joy, became, as moon was created in the ocean. it were, twice as large as before !
(L. 8.)-His very brilliant son is known as the (L. 3.)-There was the prosperous king glorious Kanhara," whose commands kings Simhana, born in the race of Yadu, whose bear upon their heads and thus become bappy. fame, like that of Hari, was celebrated through Victorious in the world is the king named the three worlds. The glorious king Si- Kanhara, whose lotus-like feet are made hara, whose lotus-like feet were made radiant radiant by the famous choice jewels inlaid in by the pearls inlaid in the diadems of hostile the diadems of all kings; he is a fun to the kings, and who was conspicuous in the lotus-like eyes of the people, and is full of Yadava race, pure and renowned in all the affection for Vasudeva, who disported himself quarters, protected the earth which had a fine for a long time in the family of Yadu. On girdle in the shape of the ocean.
his breast, there is the goddess of prosperity; * Read sarma.
* Conf. Kapho,'. Prakrit form of 'Krishọa.' # Vishnu, in his incarnation as a boar.