[MARCH, 1885.
BY LEWIS RICE, C.I.E., M.R.A.S. • Having occasion lately to examine the in. No. 3, where line 5 should be read Ereyangan
scriptions in Coorg, my attention was directed gávundana magange, to the son of Ereyangato the three published by Mr. Kittel in the gåvunda.' ' Indian Antiquary, Vol. VI. pp. 99-103. A But it is No. 1 of the inscriptions which I cursory perusal of the translations discloses find has been so seriously misread that it is some very peculiar features; and I have al desirable for purposes of future reference to ready pointed out one obvious correction in republish it, and this I now venture to do.
TEXT. C'] Svasti Saka-ntipa-ka!-Atita-san vatsara-sat-anga 899 taneya Îsvara-saṁva[') tsaram pravattise | Svasti Satyavákya-Konginivarmma dharmma-mahi[') rajadhiraja Kola ļapura-vardśvara Nandagiri-n&tha Srimat [•] Râchamalla-Permmanadiga! tad-varsh-abhyantara PAlguņa-sukla-pakshada Na[°] ndisvara t allaj-avasam âge Svasti Samasta-vairi-gaja-gha t-ațopa[°] kumbhi-kumbhasthaļa-sphoţit-anarghya-muktApala-grahaņa-bhikara-kara['] se-nivåsita-dakshiņa-dörddanda-mandita-prachandam
a nnana-banta-bafj ta-dhara-nandam śrimat Rakkasa Beddore-gareyan aļattire bhadram a
[°] stn Jina-sasanaya s ri-Belgola-nivåsigalappa sri-Bîrasena -si[] ddhanta-dêvara vara-bishyam śr'i-Goņasêna-pandita-bhattarakara vara(1) sishyara srimat Anantaviryyayyanga! Perggadůru [") sa-vidagamuman-abhyantara siddhiyige padedar a darkke SA187 kshi tombhattaru-såsirbbarum ay-sâmantarum Peddore-gare "*7 yelpadimbarum ent-okkalum idam kavar n nalvar Mmaleparu[no] m aynurbbarum ay-damarigaram Sripurada Mahârâjara podattiyan Avon orbban alidom Banarasiyum sâsirbbar-brâhma["] şaram sâsira-kavileyuman alida pancha-mahậpå takan akkur Fujidan är orbbar kadar avarge piridu punya Chandanandiyayyana likhitam ["] Perggadůra basadiya sâsanam TRANSLATION.
bearers, the troops of the elephants of all his Be it well.-Of the years in the group of enemies; delighting in the brave warriors of centuries elapsed since the time of the Saka his elder brother; Srimat Rakkasa was ruling king, the 899th, the year Isvara, being current. the bank of the Beddore.
Be it well.-Satyavákya Kongiņivarmman Prosperity to the Jina-sagana.-Srimat Dharmma-maharajadhirdja, boon lord of Ko- Anantaviryyayya, the beloved disciple of SriIaļapura, lord of Nandagiri, Srimat Rachamalla- Goņasêna-pandita-bhattáraka, who was the Permmanadi, at the rising of the happy house beloved disciple of Sri-Viras@na-siddhanta(or sign) of Taurus in the bright fortnight of dêva, a resident of Srl-Belgola,' acquired in Phálguna within that year.
full possession Perggadūru included within the Be it well.-While the terrible one adorned
new trench." with a strong right arm in which dwells the Witnesses to this :--those of the Ninety-six sword vigorous in seizing the precious pearls Thousand, the five tributaries, those of the scattered from the frontal globes of the globe. Peddoregare Seventy, and the eight farmers. ante, Vol. VII. p. 171.
• nandar in the original. Not as Mr. Kittel reads it-"Ereyniganga Vundana
Looks like Gurasena, but in my copy the first letter magange, Ereyanga, the son of that Munda."
is distinctly Bi. [The proper division of the words here "ta is redundant; or we may read tateya, the season.
is not devara vara-fishyars, and bhattarakara vara. able (føvara) year, &c.-[The proposed reading of tateya fishyals, but ddvar avara (of them ; i.e. of him) fiahyan, is quite untenable. The ta is to a certain extent re- and whattarakar avara fishyarh ; and the word beloved dundant. But it is only a part of ttu,--the last syllablo requires to be expunged from the translation.-ED.) of the full word ombattu, or ombhuttu, for the third
• The "great river"-the Lakshmanatirtha apparently. numeral, 9, which would be spoken in ronding the inscription,--the # being elided before the or linal affix
Probably Sravana-Belgola in the Mysore country. aneya.-ED.)
Most likely a kadanga, se ono is named in No. 2.