MARCH, 1885.)
cubit of land, is honoured in heaven for sixty thousand years! In (discriminating between) giving a grant and continuing (the grant of another), continuing (the grant of another) is the better; by giving a grant, a man attains paradise; but, by continuing (the grant of another), a man attains an imperishable state! He who appropriates land, whether given by himself or another, is born as a worm in ordure for sixty thousand years! He who appropriates a single bit of land, or one cubit or even one finger of land, falls into hell and remains there till the dissolution of the world! "This bridge of religion is common to kings, and should be pro- tected by you from time to time;"-thus does Ramachandra repeatedly entreat all future kings ! May that Chaundis etti live a long life, who is intent upon the worship of the gods, who is armed with a sword against his enemies, and who has offered heaps of gold to
Brahmans! The earth was enjoyed by many kings, commencing with Sagara; he who for the time being possesses land, enjoys the benefit of it! This act of religion performed by Chauņdisetti excels all charities; may it continue as long as a kalpa, and may he live a long life! The glorious Chaundisetti is a worshipper of the prosperous lotus-like feet of the glorious Sómanátha. The writer is Basavana, a priest and astrologer. Prosperity! Hail! Prosperity.! May there be the most auspicious prosperity! Prosperity!
(L. 118.) Gopalapandita, son of Mangalapandita of the Kasyapa gôtra, continues ..... allotment to the Mahajanas. Progperity! Two allotments to Sómanáthadeva, son of Vipradasa-Padmanabhabhattopadhyâya of the Bharadvaja gôtra, and Himada-Nagadêvapattavarddhana of the Bharadvaja gôtra. Prosperity!
BY E. HULTZSCH, PH. D.; VIENNA. At the Darbar of Walâ, there was shewn to neglected. Of the date, the third symbol, for 7, me a lately discovered fragment of what seems is well preserved. The preceding symbol is to have been a huge earthen pot, with the partially destroyed. As Guhasena's reign is following inscription on it in Valabhi charac- limited by the date of Dhruvasena I. (207) ters, of which a facsimile is given below :- and the earliest date of Dharagena II. (252), ...... [200] 80 TUE : ET...... this symbol may have been 200, or 10, 20, 30, The first word is the name of the well-known
or 40. Enough of it remains, however, to Valabhi king Guhasena, whose grants! shew, by a reference to Paņdit Bhagwânlal are dated in the years 246, 247, and 248. The
Indraji's table,' that it was the symbol for 40. pot (ghala) itself is evidently alluded to by The first symbol, which has been entirely lost, the second word, before which the saindhi is was of course 200.
Seule .57
ante Vol. IV. p. 174, Vol. VII. p. 66, and Vol. V. p. 206.
ante Vol. VI. p. 4.
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