nation of my book will convince any unprejudiced critio that there are important points of difference hetween the two works, and that there are some special and (if I may be permitted to say so) valuable features in my book, which, so far as I know, are not found in any other dictionary, much less in Palmer's, and the credit of which, it any credit there be, is entirely my own. Thus, for instance :
(1). The arrangement of words in my dictionary is entirely different from that in Palmer's; ..g., on page 1, the compounds formed with the word T are all grouped together under that word, whereas in Professor Palmer's work they are
scattered over several pages of the book. And 80 with other similar words.
(2). The etymology of Persian and Arabic words, the assignment of the respective parts of speech to them, and the roots of Persian infini. tives given in my book are not found at all in Professor Palmer's work, or, so far as I am aware, in any other dictionary, and are entirely new features in my book.
(3). Then, again, the two dictionaries differ materially in many places with regard to (a) the pronunciation of Persian words, (b) their origin, and (c) their English synonyms. A few examples will suffice:
ناحيه .dhiya .namir نمر
G nahiyet.
o nimr. why náhn.
wisg noin. cami nask, nasak.
masat نسق
R. P.
yel andr, .. A horseman, oavalry.
lymul aswdr. Horseman. sie
یافت .1
.Past tense فعل ماضي .tممadj. p
The past; the preterite tense.
coulin-Imperfect. Aye. Pluperfect.
.Post wonمعطوف
The proprietor's share of the produce
of the soil.
junctive participle. vi - Past
potential. di lo adj. Like an owner. add. In the
manner of an owner... An annual or monthly allowance to a zamindar by the
person who occupies his lando. + He, commonly called bashdi.
hutti, the sixth letter of the Arabic alphabet, does not occur in Persian. In reckoning by abjad it stands for eight, and in astronomical tables it
denotes the sign Sagittarius. (4). Further, there are many Persian words in my book which are not found in Palmer's at all; for instance: uji_ow -uly
a hd H. The sixth letter of the Arabic
alphabet; it does not occur in pure Persian words.
-مهر- وسمر - پاکدامن - تمردار-جواب
= منصوبه - منتفي صغرا - بازرگان - تحتانی
course, it oannot be denied that there is consider able similarity between my book and Professor Palmer's, but this is simply due to the fact that we both consulted common authorities, as appears from the preface in our respective books. Thus, almost every English word given in Ogilvie's dictionary would be found in Webster's. Would Mr. LeStrange, therefore, accuse the one author of plagiarising from the other
It was perfectly unnecessary for Mr. LeStrange to attempt to build the name of Professor
¿los was-puasand others too numer. ous to mention here.
This, I trust, will be sufficient to show how atterly baseless is the charge of plagiarism brought against me by Mr. LeStrange. Of