FEBRUARY, 1885.7
TRANSLATION Om! Adoration to the Triad of Jewels (viz. Baddha, the Law, and the Church).
1. Victorious are the pure doctrines of Sugata, which drive away all doubts by their splendour, and which are the cause of the destruction of all false reasonings, as the winds at the end of the Yuga (are the cause of the destruction) of the whole world."*
2. May that Jina protect you, who himself unconquerable conquers all foes, who though formless ever bears a form, who though one appears (to possess a great many (forms), and who far transcends the highest intellect while he is fit to be known by every mortal."
3. May that Law of Sugata protect you, which breaks the delusion of men, as a lamp (breaks) the darkness in a house, and which grants the fruit of deliverance to the faithful."
4. Victorious are the pure and victorious feet of the Holy Church, which surpass the glory of the moon in autumn, and before which gods and demons bow their heads in reverence."
5. There was one Bindunà ga by name, whose wisdom was as deep as the ocean, whose fame was as bright as the moon. His son was Padma någa, who adorned his whole race by his matchless virtues. From him also sprang a heroic son Sarvar å g," who gladdened (the world) and far surpassed all feudal princes [edmantachakra] by his virtues, jast as from the moon springs a mass of rays, which gladdens (the world) and far surpasses the neighbouring globes (sámantachakra] by its brilliancy.15
6. This man of pare renown had a beloved wife called Sri, who resembled (the goddess $r) clasped to Krishna's breast in happiness, the moon's light in beneficence, Gauri (the spouse) of the three-eyed god in peerlessness," and in profundity either the wisdom of the tranquil Tâyin" or the ocean's coast, which is encircled by high waves. 1) Metre Vamáastha. * Metre Vasantatilaka. 15 Metre Anushțubh. 16 Metre Anushtubh. 11 On the lingual n in Sarvan&ga, see Pånini, YIIT.
15 Metre Sragdhara. * There seems to be a play on the two meanings of asma, which means both unequalled' and of uneven number. In the latter sense it is an appropriate epithet of the wife of the three-eyed god.
* This word, which oocurs also in stanza 12, seems to be an epithet of Buddha. It may be derived from the root trai, Pali tayati, to protect. The same expression is applied to the Mahavira of the Jainas in Hemachandr's Yogasastra, I. 1.
7. From these two sprang a feudal prince called Devadatta, who was an ocean of virtaes, had overcome mental impurity, and was the cleverest of the clever."
8. He, who possessed the peculiar virtues of the Krita-(yuga), (descended) from a race of men, who bowed to (nobody but) their Guru, the Jina, who showed respect to virtues, to whom attachment (was known only) through mendicants coveting gifts (which were) constantly (attached to them)," and who were exceedingly afraid of sin, their only enemy in the world.25
9. As the bright moon from the ocean, this pure saint was produced from a race of men, whose wealth was not looked upon like another's Ciyain pará] by strange [parail] beggars, whose delight [mudl was the complete annihilation (vibhavah parah)," but who never even in their dreams felt delight (mud] at the charms of another's wife [paramudah), and who for the welfare of their souls did not care for worldly existence (lit. the acquisition of the three guņas or qualities)."
10. After this mine of virtues, who inspired joy to mankind (juna), had gained offspring [saritati], he appeared to be the kalpa-tree, which inspires joy to the inhabitants of the Janaloka [jana], come down among men in the company of Santati [i.e. the tree Saritána)."
11. Ah ! forsooth, all excellent qualities have separated from the persons of their respective owners and united in him). For in giving comfort to the universe he eclipses the bright rays of the rising moon; in scrutinising men's purity of mind he imparts small significance even to the teacher of the gods ; *9 and if the depth (of his wisdom) is considered, he far surpasses the excellence of the milk. ocean."
12. Others appear to be proud, famous, wise, imitating the sons (ie. disciples) of Tayin
4, 3.
» Metre Sardala. 31 Metre Anushţubh.
13 Guruta has here the same meaning as gaurava 3) g) in Dr. Böhtlingk's smaller Sanskrit dictionary:
** 1.6. Hey were liberal, but free from attachment to the world (sanga).
Metre Vasantatilaka. * Vibhava=nirvditasee Childers's Páli dictionary, B.V. 11 Metre Sardála.
Metre Anushţubh. * i.e. Brihaspati, who in his Nitisastra recommended avifvdaa or distrust. See Parichatantra, book II. Aloka 41. 56 (= IV. 19). I. 98.
* Metre S&rdula.