Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 14
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 53
________________ FEBRUARY, 1885.) THE STARS OF THE NAKSHATRAS. very different thing; that while there has been a of grouping and viewing and naming facts time when the latter was the way to the former, familiar to us from the other related languages that time is now long past, and the relation of are an obstacle in the way of a real and fruitful the two reversed; that the present task of the comprehension of those facts as they show students of the grammar is to make their themselves in Sanskțit, and should be avoided. science accessible, account if possible for its An interesting sentimental glamour, doubtless, is anomalies, and determine how much and what thrown over the language and its study by the can be extracted from it to fill out that know- retention of an old classification and terminology; ledge of the language which we derive from the but that attraction is dearly purchased at the literature, and that the peculiar Hindu ways I cost of a tittle of clearness and objective truth. THE NUMBER OF STARS CONSTITUTING THE SEVERAL NAKSHATRAS ACCORDING TO BRAHMAGUPTA AND VRIDDHA-GARGA. BY G. THIBAUT, PH.D. The question as to the number of stars become available-the passage referring to the comprised in the different Nakshatras is known subject mentioned. to possess some importance, in connexion It is found there in the Taragrahavikshepwith the history of the Nakshatra system as adhyáya, and runs as follows: elaborated by the Hindůs, and its presumptive मूलाजाहिर्बुध्याश्वयुगादित्येन्द्रामी'फल्गुणीद्वितयं । original identity with the corresponding systems त्वाष्ट्रगुरुवारुणार्दानिलपाष्णान्येकताराणि ॥ of other nations. The fullest accounts of the ब्रह्मेन्दु यमहरीन्द्रत्रितयं षड् वह्विभुजगपित्र्याणि । various opinions held with regard to that question by the different Hind authorities, are मैत्राषाढचतुष्कं वसुरविरोहिण्य इति पञ्च ॥ to be found in Burgess and Whitney's transla- "Müla, Aja (Parvabhadrapada) Ahirbudhnya tion of the Surya-Siddhanta, p. 325 ff., and (Uttarabhadrapada), Ašvayuj (Aøvini), the in Weber's second paper on the Nakshatras, constellation of Aditi (Punarvasd), Indragni p. 380 ff. The astronomical works quoted (Visakha) and the two Phalguni, consist of two there, are the Nakshatra-Kalpa (a Paribishta of stars each, the constellation of Tvashtar the Atharva-Veda,) the sakalya-Samhitá, some (Chitra), that of Guru (Pushya), that of books belonging to a comparatively late period, Varuņa (Satabhishaj), Årdra, the constellation as the Muhurtachintamani and the Ratnamdlá, of Vayu (Svâti) and that of Pashan (Révati) and finally the Khandakhádyaka by the famous have one star each. Brahmagupta. The last-mentioned work, how- Brahma (Abhijit), Inda (Mrigasiras), Yama ever, the original of which was hitherto un- (Bharani), Hari (Sravaņa) and Indra (Jyêshtha) known to European scholars, is quoted second- have three stars cach. Vahni (Krittika), the hand, viz. on the authority of the great Arabian Sarpas (Aslesha) and the constellation of the scholar Albirûni, who, in the eleventh century, Fathers (Magha) have six stars each. The travelled in India, and there studied with constellation of Mitra (Anuradha) and the two especial care the astronomy of the Hindus. The Ashådhå have four each ; Vasu (Śravishthâ), statements regarding the number of stars Ravi (Hasta), and Rôhiņi, have five stars each." composing each Nakshatra, which Albirûni The numbers, given in the preceding verses, takes from the Khanda khádyaka, differ in confirm throughout those stated by Albîrûni. many items from what the Sákalya-Samhitá There remains the question if the numbers and other Hind authorities have to say on the of stars given by Brahmagupta can claim to same subject; in some points so much so that representa nearer approximation to the numbers Whitney is inclined to assume errors or the exhibited by the original Hinda system than part of the Arab traveller. It will therefore be the corresponding statements made by the worth while to quote from the Khandakhádyaka Sakalya-Sarihita and other books. This apitself-manuscripts of which have recently pears really to be the case, because, in several 1 A. B. Treat-anor (A. B. denote the two 1A. • A. B. 4° MSS. of the Khandakhadyaka at my disposal.)


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