For the filling of B: drop a seed in V. Repeat the same process of dropping one seed on each Continent and Ocean, beginning from the one next to where the last seed from the last Z pit was dropped. The next pit L2 +1 will be 1000 Yojanas deep and with a diameter of the Continent or Ocean where the last seed from the L z pit was dropped. Go on till there are Z pits of the L class with ever-increasing diameter. When the last pit i. e., Lz is exhausted, drop one seed in Y.
Now Y' is also conically filled. Then drop the first seed in X. Repeat till X is also filled. Then the number of L pits will be Z. The number of seeds in the last of these Z3 pits is the number D or Jaghanya Paríta Asamkhyáta. In other words, Dno of rape-seeds in the (Z ) th pit, where Z is 46 figures, ante and where each Continent and Ocean in the width of its ring is double of its immediate predecessor, and never more than only one seed is dropped on each. In other words still. To find D. i. e., Jaghanya Parítá - Asamkhy Take a pit of the diameter of Jambúdvípa i.e., of 1 lac Yojanas and of 1000 Yojanas depth. Fill it with round rape seeds; over fill it from its mouth surface in a regular conical form, the apex of which
is one rape seed; as 1
... 45 fig.
The number of seeds in the pit is
„ „ „ in the cone above is
... 46 fig.
The total seeds are
... 46 fig.
Say Z. Now there are innumerable Continents & Oceans in the Middle World (Madhya Loka). Each Continent is surrounded by a ring of an Ocean, which in its turn is ringed round by a Continent. Also the width of the ring of each Continent & Ocean is double the width of the ring of its iminediately preceding Ocean and Continent.
Now we take the Z seed out of our first pit, and drop one seed, on each of the Continents and Oceans beginning with Jambú Dvípa. Where the last seed is dropped, it would be an Ocean. Now dig a pit of the diameter of this Ocean. Fill it with rape-seeds in the form of a topping Cone as before.
Take the seeds out of it and proceed to drop one each beginning from the Continent next to the Ocean which gave us the Diameter of this 2nd pit. Then wherever you drop the last seed of this 2nd
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