अथवा-चरमसमय सूक्ष्मसम्पराय सरागसंयम और अचरमसमय सूक्ष्मसम्पराय सरागसंयम। अथवासूक्ष्मसम्पराय सरागसंयम दो प्रकार का है-संक्लिश्यमान सूक्ष्मसम्पराय सरागसंयम (ग्यारहवें गुणस्थान से गिरकर दशवें गुणस्थानवर्ती साधु का संयम संक्लिश्यमान होता है) और विशुद्धयमान सूक्ष्मसम्पराय सरागसंयम (दशवें गुणस्थान से ऊपर चढ़ने वाले का संयम विशुद्ध्यमान होता है)। ११३. बादरसम्पराय सरागसंयम दो प्रकार का है-प्रथमसमय-बादरसम्पराय सरागसंयम और अप्रथमसमय-बादरसम्पराय सरागसंयम। अथवा चरमसमय-बादरसम्पराय सरागसंयम और अचरमसमय-बादरसम्पराय सरागसंयम अथवा-बादरसम्पराय सरागसंयम दो प्रकार का है-प्रतिपाती बादरसम्पराय सरागसंयम (नवम गुणस्थान से नीचे गिरने वाले का संयम) और अप्रतिपाती बादरसम्पराय सरागसंयम (नवम गुणस्थान से ऊपर चढ़ने वाले का संयम)।
110. Samyam (ascetic discipline) is of two kinds-saraag samyam (discipline with attachment) and vitaraag samyam (discipline with detachment). 111. Saraag samyam (discipline with attachment) is of two kinds—sukshma samparaya saraag samyam (discipline with attachment and subtle passions) and baadar samparaya saraag samyam (discipline with attachment and gross passions). 112. Sukshma samparaya saraag samyam (discipline with attachment and subtle passions) is of two kinds-pratham Samaya sukshma samparaya saraag samyam (discipline with attachment and subtle passions during the first Samaya of attaining the level) and apratham samaya sukshma samparaya saraag samyam (discipline with attachment and subtle passions any time after the first Samaya (moment) of attaining the level). Also charam Samaya sukshma samparaya saraag samyam (discipline with attachment and subtle passions during the ultimate Samaya before crossing the tenth Gunasthaan) and acharam samaya sukshma samparaya saraag samyam (discipline with attachment and subtle passions any time prior to the ultimate Samaya before crossing the tenth Gunasthaan). Also sukshma samparaya saraag samyam (discipline with attachment and subtle passions) is of two kinds-samklishyamaan sukshma samparaya saraag samyam (discipline with attachment and .subtle passions heading towards impurity; this is the discipline of an ascetic falling from eleventh Gunasthaan to tenth Gunasthaan) and vishuddhyaman sukshma samparaya saraag samyam (discipline with attachment and subtle passions heading towards purity; this is the discipline of an ascetic rising from tenth Gunasthaan to higher levels of purity). 113. Badar samparaya saraag samyam (discipline with attachment and gross passions) is of two kinds-pratham Samaya badar
द्वितीय स्थान
Second Sthaan
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