Book Title: Universal Values of Prakrit Texts
Author(s): Prem Suman Jain
Publisher: Bahubali Prakrit Vidyapeeth and Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan
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-Prof. Dayanand Bhargava, Jaipur
For the last so many centuries mankind has been in search of some code which could be universally acceptable. The Vedas speak of the desire of the turning the whole universe as Arya – Kļņvanto Viśvamāryam. The Christians think of converting everybody to Christianity. So do the Muslims think of converting everybody to Islam. Buddhism is also a missionary religion. There have been cases of conversion to Jainism also. Amongst so many religion comperting with each other for converting the whole humanity to their own religion, can we reasonably hope to evolve any code or way of life which could be universally acceptable? Failure of the attempt of converting all to one religion - Religion have generally four broad aspects: 1 Ritualistic 2. Metaphysical 3. Ethical and 4. Spiritual. There could be other aspects also like mythology or epistomology. So far most of the followers have been thinking that all these aspects of their respective religions could be made universal. Obviously they have failed.
Universality of essentials of all religions : Spirituality - A few, however, tried another path of finding the essentials of all religion learning aside what was not-essential. In the Vedic tradition, for example, the ritualistic part of Vedic religions represented by Yajña, was given an interior place by the Upanishads when they declared that the Yajñas are the weak boats - Letall g4d 375gt statt: Having thus given a secondary place to what they thought to be non-essential, the Upanishads concentrated on the essential, the self - आत्मा वारे श्रोतव्यो मन्तव्यो निदिध्यासितव्यः ।
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