with his left hand, and with his right hand sprinkling them with water, then makes the other say:
8. 'Recite the Sâvitri, sir !' says the other. 9. 'I recite the Savitri to thee!' says the teacher. 10. "Recite the Gayatri, sir!' says the other. 'I recite the Gayatri to thee!' says the teacher.
11. "Recite the verse of Visvâmitra, sir!' says the other.
'I recite the verse of Visvâmitra to thee!' says the teacher.
12. "Recite the Rishis, sir !' says the other. 'I recite the Rishis to thee!' says the teacher. 13. "Recite the deities, sir!' says the other. 'I recite the deities to thee!' says the teacher. 14. "Recite the metres, sir!' says the other. 'I recite the metres to thee!' says the teacher. 15. "Recite the Sruti, sir !' says the other. *I recite the Sruti to thee!' says the teacher. 16. "Recite the Smriti, sir !' says the other. 'I recite the Smriti to thee!' says the teacher. 17. ‘Recite faith and insight, sir !' says the other.
'I recite faith and insight to thee!' says the teacher.
8 seq. Comp. Weber's Indische Studien, vol. X, p. 131 seq.
10. Comp. the note on chap. 5, 4-6. Narayana states, in accordance with these Sätras of the fifth chapter, that in case the student belongs to the second or third caste, an Uha (i.e. a corresponding alteration of the formulas; from the Srauta-sûtra, VI, 1, 3 the definition is quoted here sabdavikâram û ham bruvate) takes place. If he is a Kshatriya, he has to say, 'Recite the Trishtubh, sir 1'—'Recite the verse of Hiranyastûpa (Rig-veda I, 35, 2), sirl' A Vaisya has to say, 'Recite the Gagati, sir!'-Recite the verse of Hiranyastūpa (or, of Vâmadeva, Rig-veda I, 35, 9 or IV, 40, 5), sir!'
17. Comp. Indische Studien, X, 132, note 1.
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