12. (The site of the house) should have the form of a brick,
13. Or it should have the form of a round island.
14. Or there should be natural holes in the ground) in all directions.
15. On such (ground) one who is desirous of fame or strength, should build his house with its door to the east;
16. One who is desirous of children or of cattle, (should build it) with its door to the north ;
17. One who is desirous of all (those things), (should build it) with its door to the south.
18. Let him not build it with its door to the west.
19. And a back-door. 20. The house-door. 21. So that (he ?) may not be exposed to looks (?).
19-21. I have translated the words of these Sätras without trying to express any meaning. According to the commentary the meaning is the following: 19. He should not build a house which has its door on the back-side, or which has one front-door and one back-door. 20. The house-door should not face the door of another house. 21. The house-door should be so constructed that the householder cannot be seen by Kândâlas, &c., when he is performing religious acts or when dining in his house. Or, if instead of samlok i the reading samloki is accepted, the Sätra means: the house-door should be so constructed, that valuable objects, &c., which are in the house, cannot be seen by passers-byThe commentary on Khâdira-Grihya IV, 2, 15 contains the remark: dvaradvayam (var. lectio, dvâram dvaram) parasparam rigu na syâd iti kekit. This seems to me to lead to the right understanding of these Sätras. I think we ought to read and to divide in this way: (19) anudvaram ka. (20. 21) grihadvâram yathå na samloki syât. 'And let him construct) a back-door, so that it does not face the chief) house-door.' The Khảdira MSS. have the readings, asalloki, asandraloke, samloka.
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