light on it by means of a burning (grass-blade), throws two Darbha points into it, moves a firebrand round it three times, takes it from the fire towards the north, sweeps the coals back (into the fire), purifies (the Âgya) three times with two northward-pointed purifiers, moving them backward and forward, and throws the purifiers into the fire.
Patala 1, SECTION 2. 1. He warms at the fire the implement with which he sacrifices, wipes it off with Darbha blades, warms it again, sprinkles it (with water), puts it down, touches the Darbha blades with water, and throws them into the fire.
2. As paridhis (or pieces of wood laid round the fire) yoke-pins are used at the marriage, the Upanayana, the Samâvartana, the parting of the (wife's) hair, the tonsure of the child's hair, the cutting of the beard, and at expiatory ceremonies.
3. He sprinkles water round the fire, on the south side from west to east with (the words), Aditi, give thy consent !' on the west side from south to north with 'Anumati, give thy consent !' on the north side from west to east with 'Sarasvati (sic), give thy consent l' all around with 'God Savitri, give thy impulse !'
4. At ceremonies belonging to the Fathers (water is sprinkled) only all round (the fire), silently.
5. Having put a piece of wood on the fire, he
2, 2. On the paridhi woods, comp. chiefly Hillebrandt, Neuund Vollmondsopfer, 66 seq.
5. The Srauta rules on the two Âghåras are given Srauta-stra II, 12, 7; 14, I.
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