1, 2; G. I, 7, 21 seq.; Kh. I, 2, 12 seq.; H. I, 1, | 23; Ấp. I, I9. g. Preparation of the Âgya for sacrifice. S. 1, 8, 18 seq.;
A. I, 3, 3; P. I, 1, 2 seq.; G. I, 7, 19 seq.; Kh. I,
2, 14 seq.; H. I, I, 27, Ấp 1, 23. h. The Âgya oblations. S. 1,9; Â. I, 3, 4 seq.; P. I,
1, 4; 5, 3 seq.; G. I, 8; 9, 26 seq.; Kh. I, 3,
12 seq.; H. I, 2, 12 seq. ; 3; Ap. 2, 5 seq. 7. Sacrifices of cooked food. S. I, 3; A. I, 10; G. I, 6,
| I3 seq.; 7 seq.; Kh. II, I; Ấp. 7. 8. Animal sacrifice (comp. Ashtaka, Anvashtakya, Salagava).
Â. I, 11; P. III, 11 ; G. III, 10, 18-IV, 1; Kh. III, 4; H. II, 15. a. The omentum. Â. I, 11, 10 (comp. II, 4, 13); IV, 8,
18; P. III, II, 4. 6; G. III, 1o, 30 seq. ; IV, 4, 22 seq.; Kh. III, 4, 9 seq. 25 seq.; H. II, 15,
6 seg. b. The Avadanas. Â. I, 11, 12 (comp. II, 4, 14); P.
III, II, 6 seq.; G. IV, I, 3. 9 &c.; Kh. III, 4, 14 seq.; H. II, 15, 9 seq.
9. Marriage. S. I, 5 seq.; Â. 1, 5 seq.; P. I, 4 seq.; G. II, 1
seq.; Kh. I, 3 seq.; H. I, 19 seq.; Ap. 2, 12 seq. a. Different kinds of marriage (brâhma, daiva, &c.). Ā.
1, 6. b. Election of the bride. S. I, 5, 5 seq.; Â. I, 5; G. II,
1, 1 seq.; III, 4, 4 seq.; H. I, 19, 2; Ap. 3,
10 seq. c. The wooers go to the girl's house. S. I, 6; Âp. 2,
16; 4, I seq. d. Sacrifice when the bride's father has declared his
assent. S. I, 7 seq. e. The bride is washed. S. I, 11; G. II, 1, 10. 17;
Kh. I, 3, 6. f. Dance of four or eight women. S. I, 11, 5. g. The bridegroom goes to the girl's house. S. I, 12. h. He gives her a garment, anoints her, gives her a
mirror, &c. S. I, 12, 3 seq.; P. I, 4, 12 seq.; G.
II, 1, 18; Kh. I, 3, 6; Ap. 4, 8. i. Argha at the wedding. S. I, 12, 10; G. II, 3, 16
seq.; Kh. I, 4, 7 seq.; Ap. 3, 5 seq. k. Sacrifice with the Mahavyâhritis and other formulas
(Gaya, Abhyâtâna, &c., formulas). S. I, 12, 11;
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