Book Title: Satapatha Bramhana Part 02
Author(s): Julius Eggeling
Publisher: Oxford
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SOTRA CV. All this applies also to Karus and Purodasas which are separated.
Commentary. The commentary explains vyatishikta by anyonyam vyavahita, though it is difficult to see how it can have that meaning. It is said that in the Vaisvadeva the Karus and Purodåsas are vyatishikta, but that they also have to be divided before the adhivapana, and to be marked for each deity. Thus we read : Idam Agneh, Savituh, Pashno, Marutam, Dyâvâprithivyoh, &c.
SOTRA CVI. At the time when the Kapalas are put on the fire, one puts on the karu with the first kapala verse.
Commentary. Karu is here used for the vessel for boiling the karu, the karusthåll. The first of these verses is dhrishtir asi. Kapalas are the jars in which the rice is cooked.
SÚTRA CVII. The verse is adapted and changed to dhruvo:si.
Commentary. Samnama means the same as û ha, i.e. the modification of a verse so as to adapt it to the object for which it is used. In our case, karu, being a masculine, dhrishti, a feminine, is replaced by dhruva, a masculine.
SOTRA CVIII. At the time when the meal is to be cleansed, one cleanses the grains.
Commentary. This takes place after the karu-pot has been put on. The tandulas are the unhusked grains, pishta is the
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