ratbasabda, the sound of a carriage,
36. Raka, the full moon on the first day
of the lunar phase, 65o. rakshasa, offering to the Rakshasas,
vaisvadevika, belonging to the Vaisva
deva, 120. vaishamya, diversity, 154. vaushat, sacrificial interjection, 96o. vyatishikta, separated, 105. vyavasthå, to be restricted, 73. vyåprita, employed elsewhere, 26. vyâvrit, to separate, 99, 100. vrihi, rice, 129, 136o.
râganya, the Råganya (caste), 3. raudra, offering to Rudra, 53.
lopa, omission, 151. laukika (agni), ordinary (fire), 159.
sabda, word, 138, sasya, the corn of the field, 108c. sakha, recension, 3o. sastriya, consecrated (fire), 159o. sishta, what is prescribed, 134. sulba, rope, 61. sidra, the Sadra (caste), 2o. süla, spit for boiling the heart (of the
sacrificial animal), 153. sesha, essential part, 157. sraddha, p. 344. srâvani, p. 344. sraushat, sacrificial interjection, 96o. svabpürita Raka, 65o. svoyukta=Kuba, 65, 69
vatana, the saying expressly, 30, 44, vanaspati, the Vanaspati sacrifice,
155. vapåsrapani, the two spits for roast-
ing the omentum (vapa), 153. varunapraghåsa, a certain sacrifice,
119. varna, colour or caste, 3. varnâviseshena, without distinction
of caste, 79. vashatkâra, the word Vashat (to be
uttered by the Hotri-priest), 95, vasharkri, to utter the sacrificial in
terjection vashat, 96. vâkya, words, 133. våksandrava, the movement of the
voice, 15. vâgapeya, a certain Soma sacrifice,
146; P. 344. vågasaneyin, pl., the Vågasaneyins,
67. vahya, turned outside, 57. vikalpa, optional, 50, 150. vikara, modification, 122, 123, 124,
(125), 126, 137, 1469, 155. vikriti, modification (of the prakriti),
1149, 123, 127, 128, 129, 132,
1530, 156, 157°, 1580 vidhana, rule, prescription, 70 (sa-
mânavidhana), 80 (svakalavi
dhâna). vidhi, rule, 71, 93°, 133, 147o. vipratishedha, impossibility, 20. virodha, contradiction, 129, 130. vivriddhi, addition, 151. vihara, the sacrificial ground, 54,
56. veda, the (three) Vedas, 3 ; Veda =
Mantras and Brâhmanas, 31. vaisya, the Vaisya (caste), 2. vaisvadeva, sacrifice for the Visve
Devâs, 119, 120, 121; P. 344.
shanda, eunuch, 2o. shodasin, a certain Soma sacrifice,
144, 146; p. 344. samvada, dialogue, 10. samskâra, purification, 29; prepara
tion (of an offering), 139. samskâra, initiation, 52. sankhyâ, number, 31. sankhyayukta, having a number, 39. samkara, path between the Katvala
and Utkara, 54o. sattra, a series of sacrifices lasting
from thirteen to one hundred nights or more opp. ahina),
141, 141, 146. sadyaskala, name of the Kharvika
full moon and the corresponding
day of abstinence, 67o. sandhya-paurnamâsî = puraståtpaur
namasi, 63°. samnam, to adapt and change (a
verse), 107. Samnama = aha, modification of a
verse, 1070 samnipat, Caus., to let coincide, 45,
96. samni, to offer the Samnàyya, 79. samavadyo, to divide (the butter),
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