occur in the Yagur-veda, they also have to be murmured. See Katy. I, 3, 10.
SOTRA X. With the exception of addresses, replies, choosing of priests (pravara), dialogues, and commands.
Commentary. As all these are meant to be understood by others, they have therefore to be pronounced in a loud voice. The address (àsruta) is om sråvaya; the reply (pratyasruta) is astu sraushatl; the choosing of priests (pravara) is agnir devo hotà; a dialogue (samvåda) is brahman prokshishya mi, om proksha; a command (sampresha) is prokshanir à sadaya.
SOTRA XI. In the Samidheni hymns the recitation is to be between (the high and the low tone).
Commentary. The Samidhenis are the hymns used for lighting the fire. One commentator explains antara, between, as between high tone (krushta) and the murmuring (upamsu). Another distinguishes three high tones, the krushta (also called tåra or krauñka), the madhyama, and the mandra, and assigns the madhyama to the Samidheni hymns. The mandra notes come from the chest, the madhyama notes from the throat, the uttama notes from the head.
SOTRA XII. Before the Ágyabhagas (such as the Agya-portions at the Darsa-půrnamâsa), and at the morning Savana (oblation of Soma), the recitation is to be with the soft (mandra) voice.
See Hillebrandt, Das Altind. Neu- und Vollmondsopfer, p. 94.
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