8. Then (the teacher) touches with his right hand (the boy's) right shoulder, and with his left (hand) his left (shoulder), and draws (the boy's) right arm towards himself with the Vyâhritis, the Savitri verse, and with (the formula), · By the impulse of the god Savitri, with the arms of the two Asvins, with Pashan's hands I initiate thee, N. N.!
9. He then seizes with his right hand (the boy's) right hand together with the thumb, with (the words), • Agni has seized thy hand ; Soma has seized thy hand ; Savitri has seized thy hand; Sarasvati has seized thy hand; Pashan has seized thy hand; Brihaspati has seized thy hand; Mitra has seized thy hand; Varuna has seized thy hand; Tvashtri has seized thy hand; Dhâtri has seized thy hand; Vishnu has seized thy hand; Pragâpati has seized thy hand.'
10. May Savitri protect thee. Mitra art thou by rights; Agni is thy teacher.
• By the impulse of the god Savitri become Brihaspati's pupil. Eat water. Put on fuel. Do the service. Do not sleep in the day-time'-thus (the teacher) instructs him.
11. Then the teacher) gradually moves his right
8. The word which I have translated draws ... towards himself'
the same which is also used in the sense of 'he initiates him' (upanayate). Possibly we should correct the text : dakshinam bâhum any abhyâtmam upanayate, he turns him towards himself from left to right (literally, following his right arm).' Comp. Sânkhâyana II, 3, 2.-Regarding the Mantra, comp. Sânkhâyana II, 2, 12, &c.
9. Sânkhayana II, 2, 11; 3, 1, &c.
10. Sânkhâyana II, 3, 1; 4, 5. We ought to read a possana, instead of apo sânah as the MSS. have.
II. Sânkhayana II, 4, 1, &c.
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