Agni, fearlessly; make me attain to welfare ! Svâha !'
And with (the two verses), This is the influx of the waters,' and 'Adoration to thee, the rapid one, the shining one'(Taitt. Samh. IV, 6, 1, 3).
6. (Then follow oblations with the verses), This, O Varuna' (&c. ; see 1, 2, 8, 16, down to the end of the Satra).
End of the Fifth Patala.
PRASNA I, PATALA 6, SECTION 19. 1. After he has returned from the teacher's house, he should support his father and mother.
2. With their permission he should take a wife belonging to the same caste and country, a 'naked' girl, a virgin who should belong to a different Gotra (from her husband's).
3. Whatever he intends to do (for instance, taking a wife), he should do on an auspicious day only, during one of the following five spaces of time, viz. in the morning, the forenoon, at midday, in the afternoon, or in the evening.
abibhyad; comp. Atharva-veda XIX, 65, 1: ava tâm gahi harasa Gâtavedo s bibhyad ugto s skisha divam å roha sûrya. The last words of this verse should be sriyam mâ pratipâdaya, or something similar.
19, 2. sagâtâm savarnâm samânâbhiganam ka. Mâtridatta. As to the meaning of a naked girl,' i. e. a girl who has not yet the monthly illness), comp. Gobhila III, 4, 6 and note.
3. According to Matridatta, 'morning' means one Nâdikâ before and one Nâdikâ after sunrise ; forenoon' means one Nâdika before and one Nâdika after the moment at which the first quarter of the day has elapsed; and thus each of the other three day-times
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