6. He worships the fire with the Mantras, What thy splendour is, Agni, may I thereby'(Taitt. Samh. III, 5, 3, 2), and 'On me may insight, on me offspring' (Taitt. Aranyaka X, 44).
7. After the lapse of those three days (Satra I) he serves in the same way the three kinds of food (stated above) to the Brâhmanas, causes them to say, 'An auspicious day! Hail! Good luck!' and discharges himself of his vow by (repeating) these (Mantras) with (the necessary) alterations, 'Agni, lord of the vow, I have kept the vow' (see above, 1, 2, 7, 8).
8. He keeps the same observances afterwards (also),
9. Dwelling in his teacher's house. He may eat, (however,) pungent and saline food and vegetables.
10. He wears a staff, has his hair tied in one knot, and wears a girdle,
11. Or he may tie the lock on the crown of the head in a knot.
12. He wears (an upper garment) dyed with red Loth, or the skin (of an antelope, &c.).
13. He does not have intercourse with women. 14. (The studentship lasts) forty-eight years, or 6. Âsvalâyana-Gribya I, 21, 4. 7. See I, 2, 7, 21. 25. 8. He keeps the observances stated in Sätra 2.
9. See above, Sätra 2. Comp. Âpastamba Dharma-sútra I, 1, 2, 11, and Sätra 23 of the same section, which stands in contradiction to this Sätra of Hiranyakesin.
10, 11. Comp. Âpastamba I, 1, 2, 31. 32. Mâtridatta has received into his explanation of the eleventh Satra the words. She should shave the rest of the hair,' which in the Apastambîya-sútra are found in the text.
14. Asvalâyana-Grihya I, 2 Âpastamba Dharma-sûtra I, 1, 2, I2 seq.
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