5. He goes to a place where they will do honour to him.
6. With (the verse), "May the quarters (of the horizon) stream together with me; may all delight assemble (here). May all wishes that are dear to us, come near unto us; may (our) dear (wishes) stream towards us '—he worships the quarters of the horizon.
7. While approaching the person who is going to do honour to him, he looks at him with (the words), Glory art thou; may I become glory with thee.'
8. Then (the host who is going to offer the Argha reception to the Snataka), having prepared the dwelling-place (for his reception), says to him, 'The Argha (will be offered)!'
9. (The guest) replies, 'Do so!'
10. They prepare for him (the Madhuparka or 'honey mixture') consisting of three or of five substances.
11. The three substances are, curds, honey, and ghee.
12. The five substances are, curds, honey, ghee, water, and ground grains.
13. Having poured curds into a brass vessel, he pours honey into it, (and then the other substances stated above).
14. Having poured (those substances) into a smaller vessel, and having covered it with a larger (cover than the vessel is), (the host) makes (the guest) accept (the following things) separately, one after the other, viz. a bunch of grass (to sit down on),
5. Âsvalâyana III, 9, 3; Sânkhâyana III, 1, 14. 10 seq. Påraskara I, 3, 5; Âsvalâyana I 24, 5 seq. 14. Paraskara, loc. cit.; Asvalâ yana, loc. cit., $ 7.
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