1. Of the sacrifices of the new and full moon, the full-moon sacrifice should be performed first.
2. If (the term for the sacrifice) of the new moon comes first, he should first celebrate the full-moon sacrifice and then perform that.
3. Some say that he should not perform it, and wait till the day of the full moon.
4. In the afternoon, husband and wife, after having bathed, should eat fast-day food.
5. Mânadantavya has said: 'He who eats fastday food, obtains offspring better than himself; he gains favour; hunger will not attack him.'
6. Therefore one should eat (fast-day food) which he likes.
7. He should do nothing unholy (such as cohabiting with his wife).
8. After he has sacrificed the morning oblation, 9. He should pour out the sacrificial food with (the formula), Agreeable to such and such (a deity) I pour thee out:' (this formula) referring to the
II, 1, 1. paurnamâsopakramau darsapaurnamâsau. 2. dârsam ket purvam upapadyeta paurnamâsenesh/vâtha tat kuryâd. 3.: akurvan paurnamâsîm âkânkshed ity eke. 4. parâhne snâtvaupavasathikam dampatî bhungîyâtâm. 5. Mânadantavya uvâka: sreyasîm pragâm vindate kâmyo bhavaty akshodhuko ya aupavasathikam bhunkte. 6. tasmâd yat kâmayeta tad bhungîta. 7. návratyam âkaret. 8. prâtarâhutim hutvâ 9. havir nirvaped amushmai tvâ gushtam nirvapâmîti devatâsrayam sakrid yagur vâ dvis tûshnîm.
II, 1, 1-3 desunt. 4 Gobhila I, 5, 26. 9-16 (15 deest)=I, 7, 2-19.
5-8=1, 6, 1-13.
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