By R. H.
MELANESIAN.-The Melanesian Languages. Codrington, D.D., of the Melanesian Mission. 8vo. 18s. SANSKRIT. A Practical Grammar of the Sanskrit Language, arranged with reference to the Classical Languages of Europe. for the use of English Students, by Sir M. Monier-Williams, M.A. Fourth Edition. 8vo. 155.
A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, Etymologically and Philologically arranged, with special reference to Greek, Latin, German, AngloSaxon, English, and other cognate Indo-European Languages. By Sir M. Monier-Williams, M.A. 1872. 4to. 41. 14s. 6d.
Story of Nala, an Episode of the Mahá-Bhárata: the Sanskrit text, with a copious Vocabulary, and an improved version of Dean Milman's Translation. by Sir M. Monier-Williams, M.A. Second Edition, Revised and Improved. 1879. 8vo. 15s.
Sakuntală. A Sanskrit Drama, in Seven Acts. Edited by Sir M. Monier-Williams, M.A. Second Edition, 1876. 8vo. 215. SYRIAC.-Thesaurus Syriacus: collegerunt Quatremère, Bern
stein, Lorsbach, Arnoldi, Agrell, Field, Roediger: edidit R. Payne Smith. S.T.P. Fasc. I-VI. 1868-83. sm. fol. each, Il. Is Fasc. VII. 17. 115. 6d.
Vol. I, containing Fasc. I-V, sm. fol. 57. 5s.
The Book of Kalilah and Dimnah. Translated from Arabic into Syriac. Edited by W. Wright. LL.D. 1884. 8vo. 21s.
Aristophanes: A Complete Concordance to the Comedies and Fragments. By Henry Dunbar, M.D. 4to. 17. 15.
Aristotle: The Politics, with Introductions, Notes, etc., by W. L. Newman, M.A., Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford. Vols. I. and II. Medium 8vo. 28s.
Aristotle: The Politics, translated into English, with Introduction, Marginal Analysis, Notes, and Indices, by B. Jowett, M.A. Medium 8vo. 2 vols. 215.
Catalogus Codicum Graecorum Sinaiticorum.
Scripsit V. Gardthausen Lipsiensis. With six pages of Facsimiles. 8vo. linen, 255. Heracliti Ephesii Reliquiae. Recensuit I. Bywater, M.A. Appendicis loco additae sunt Diogenis Laertii Vita Heracliti, Particulae Hippocratei De Diaeta Libri Primi, Epistolae Heracliteae. 1877. 8vo. 6s. Herculanensium Voluminum Partes II. 1824. 8vo. 10s.
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