32. When it has ceased to drop, he should say, 'Hew the (cow) to pieces
33. 'So that the blood does not stain the ground to the east of the fire.'
34. After he has roasted (the omentum), he should pour (Agya) on it, should take it from the fire towards the north, and should pour (Âgya) on it again.
35. After he has cut off (the prescribed portions from) the omentum in the way prescribed for Sthâlipâkas, or in the way prescribed for the Svishtakrit (oblation), he sacrifices with (the words), 'To the Ashtakâ Svâhâ!'
36. The rest (should be performed) according to the Sthâlipâka rite. The rest according to the Sthâlipâka rite.
End of the Third Prapâthaka.
32. In the text we ought to read visasata, as Dr. Knauer has observed.
35. The regulations concerning the Avadânas are given for Sthâlîpâkas, I, 8, 5 seq., and for the Svishtakrit oblation, I, 8, II seq.
36. Comp. III, 7, 20 note.
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