16. Nor (throwing up the water) with his fingers, 17. Nor except with the (proper) Tirtha, 18. Nor uttering a sound,
19. Nor without looking (at the water),
20. Nor with his shoulders put back,
21. Nor wearing a part of his under garment as if it were an upper garment,
22. Nor with warm water,
23. Nor with foamy water,
24. And in no case wearing sandals,
25. (Not) with a turban on his head (?),
26. (Not with his garment) tied round his neck,
27. And not stretching out his feet.
28. When he has finally touched (water) again, he becomes pure.
29. Let him, however, sip only water that reaches his heart.
30. For if he does otherwise, he remains impure. 31. Now the cases in which he has to touch (water) a second time.
17. As to the Tîrthas (or parts of the hand) sacred to the different deities or beings, comp. Vasishtha III, 64 seqq., &c. See also Manu II, 58.
20. According to the commentary he has to hold his hands between his knees. Comp. Sankh.-Grihya I, 10, 8. Thus the shoulders are brought forward.
21-27. These Sûtras form three regular Sloka hemistichs. Only at the end of the second hemistich there is a metrical irregularity (sopânatkah kvakit standing at the end of the verse).
25. Kâsaktikah, which the commentary explains as a compound of ka,' the head,' and âsaktikâ=âvesh/ikâ.
28. Khâdira-Grihya I, 1, 10.
29. In other texts (for instance, Manu II, 62; Vasishtha III, 31 seqq.) it is stated that a Brâhmana should sip water that reaches his heart, a Kshatriya water reaching his throat, a Vaisya water that wets his palate; a Sûdra should only touch water with his lips.
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