7. Then with a full spindle, with this verse, 'I invoke Râkâ' (ibid. 3. 4);
8. And with a porcupine's quill that has three white spots, with (the verse), 'Which are thy blessings, O Råka' (ibid. 5).
9. (There should be prepared) a mess of boiled rice with sesamum seeds, covered with ghee; at that he should make her look.
10. Let him say to her, What dost thou see?' and make her answer, 'Offspring !'
11. That (food) she should eat herself.
12. Brahmana' women should sit by her side, pronouncing auspicious words (such as), “A mother of valiant sons ! A mother of living sons! A living husband's wife!'
13. Now (follows) the sacrifice for the woman in labour.
14. When the child is appearing, he strews (Darbha grass) round the fire and sacrifices two Agya oblations with this verse, She who athwart' (MB. I, 5, 6), and with (the verse), 'Vipaskit has taken away' (ibid. 7).
15. A male he will be born, N. N. by name'-in this passage of the last verse) he pronounces a name.
16. What that (name is), is kept secret.
17. When they announce to him that a son has been born, he should say, 'Delay still cutting off the navel-string and giving him the breast.'
18. Let him have rice and barley-grains pounded in the same way as the (Nyagrodha) shoot.
12 sea. The soshyantîhoma. Khâdira-Grihya II, 2, 28 sea.
17 seq. Ceremonies for the new-born child (Gâtakarman). Khâdira-Gríhya II, 2, 32 seq.
18. See above, chap. 6, 9.
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