15. Turning round from right to left, he besprinkles the wooden cup and the Darvi spoon, warms them, and (repeats the offering of a Bali) in the same way towards the south, towards the west, and towards the north, as the Mantra (MB. II, 1, 1. 2) runs, without turning away (between the single Baliofferings).
16. After he has thrown the remnants (of flour) out of the basket into the fire, he goes to that fire which has not been carried forward.
17. To the west of that fire he touches the earth with his two hands turned downwards, and murmurs the Mantra, 'Adoration to the Earth's'(MB. II, 1, 3).
18. In the evening boiled rice-grains with milk (are prepared).
19. Of that (milk-rice) he should make oblations with (the formulas), ' To Sravana, to Vishnu, to Agni, to Pragâpati, to the Visve devâs Svâhâ!'
20. The rest (should be performed) according to the Sthâlipâka rite.
21. To the north of the fire he places a bunch of Darbha grass with roots, and murmurs the Mantra, 'Soma the king' (ibid. 4), and, 'The agreement which you have made' (ibid. 5).
15. Literally, 'turning round, following his left arm.' Comp. Sankhayana II, 3, 2. The Mantra runs thus, O king of Serpents, dwelling towards the south (the west, the north), this is thy Bali!'
16. Comp. Sutra II and the note.
17. Comp. below, IV, 5, 3.
20. Grihya-samgraha I, 114: 'Where the technical expression is used, "The rest according to the rite of the Sthâlîpâkas," he should, after he has sacrificed the two Agyabhagas, pour (Âgya) into the Sruk and cut off (the Avadânas with the Sruk).' Comp. Gobhila I, 8, 3 seq.
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