Svâhâ !' he should sacrifice it over the eastern part of the northern part (of the fire).
15. He should sacrifice oblations of Agya on (the chief oblations of cooked sacrificial food), with the Mahâvyâhritis.
16. The insertion (stands) before the Svishtakrit (oblation).
17. If different sacrifices are performed together, there is only one sweeping (of the ground) round (the fire) (chap. 3, 1), one (putting of) fuel (on the fire) (chap. 7, 19), one Barhis, one sprinkling (of water) round (the fire) (chap. 8, 2), one Ägya, and one offering of the two Agyabhagas (chap. 8, 3).
18. Having cut off (the Avadanas) for all (the single sacrifices), he sacrifices the Svishtakrit oblation only once.
19. After he has sacrificed, he should throw that pot-ladle (which he has used in the preceding ceremonies) into the fire.
20. Or having washed it, he should take with it (the rest of the sacrificial food), and should eat that.
given by Hillebrandt, 1.1. 119, note 3. The Khâdira-Grihya has prägudíkyâm.
15. If the chief oblations consist in Âgya, they are both preceded and followed by the Mahâvyâhriti oblations. See below, chap. 9, Sätra 27.
16. On the à vapa (i. e. the special characteristic offerings of each sacrifice) see Sânkhâyana-Gríhya I, 9, 12, and the note there (vol. xxix, p. 28).
19. According to the commentary, etad would belong to sauvishtakritam (Satra 18): "After he has sacrificed that, he should throw the pot-ladle into the fire. The comparison of Baudhầyana 1, 17, 23, atraitan mekshanam âhavanîye s nupraharati (Hillebrandt, p. 119, note 3), shows that the commentary is wrong, and that etad belongs to mekshanam.
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