12. The 'spreading under' and sprinkling (of Ägya) on (the omentum) has been described. (It is done) as at the Svishtakrit oblation (see II, 1, 24).
13. He should sacrifice with (the formula), 'To the Ashtaka Svâhà !'
14. The Avadanas (or portions which have to be cut off) he should have taken from all its limbs.
15. Not from the left thigh and the lungs. 16. The left thigh he keeps (for the Anvashtakya).
17. He should cook the Avadanas and a mess of sacrificial food, (stirring up the ones and the other) with two different pot-ladles.
18. The juice he lets drop into a brazen vessel.
19. The Avadanas he puts on branches of the Plaksha tree.
20. From each (Avadâna) he should cut off (the prescribed portions, and should put them into a brazen vessel ;
21. And from the mess of cooked food.
22. Let him take four portions or eight portions of Âgya (?) and let him sacrifice it with (the verses), * Into Agni’ (MB. II, 2, 9 seqq.).
23. Let him make oblations out of the brazen vessel, each oblation with two of the following (verses).
12. uktam upastaranâbhighâranam yatha svishtakrito. 13. sshtakâyai svâheti guhuyât. 14. sarvângebhyo - vadânâny uddhârayen. 15. na savyât sakthno na klomnah. 16. savyam sakthi nidhaya. 17. prithan mekshanâbhyam avadânâni sthâlîpâkañ ka stapayitva. 18. kamse rasam prasrâvya. 19. plakshasâkhâsv avadânâni kritvai. 20. skaikasmât kamses vadyet. 21. sthâlîpâkâk ka. 22. katurgrihîtam ashtagrihîtam vâtra (vágyam? vâtram, vâtra the MSS.) guhuyâd Agnâv iti. 23. kamsât parâbhir dvâbhyâm dvâbhyâm ekaikâm ahutim.
14-24=IV, 1, 3-17.
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