deity, or a Yagus, (is repeated) once; twice (it is done) silently.
10. He should wash (the food) thrice, (if it is destined) for gods;
11. Twice, if for men ; 12. Once, if for the Fathers.
13. Stirring it up with the pot-ladle from the left to the right he should cook it.
14. When he has cooked it, he should sprinkle (Ågya) on it, should take it from the fire towards the north, and should again sprinkle (Agya) on it.
15. Thus all kinds of Havis (are prepared).
16. Having put (the Havis) on the sacrificial grass,
17. He should sacrifice the two Agya portions (in the following way): Having taken four portions of Âgya-five portions are taken by the Bhrigus (or at least?) by the Gâmadagnyas (see Indische Studien, 10, 95]—(he should make two oblations), to the north with (the formula), 'To Agni Svâhâ !' to the south with (the formula), ‘To Soma Svâhâ !'
18. Others (do it) conversely.
19. Having 'spread under' Âgya, he should cut off with the pot-ladle (portions) of the Havis from the middle and from the eastern side ;
10. trir devebhyah prakshâlayed. 11. dvir manushyebhyah. 12. sakrit pitribhyo. 13. mekshanena pradakshinam udâyuvasi srapаyek. 14. khritam abhighâryodag udvâsya pratyabhigharayet. 15. sarvâny evam havîmshi. 16. barhishy âsâdyâ. 17. gyabhagau guhuyâk katurgrihîtam agyam grihîtvâ pañkâvattam Bhrigunâm Gâmadagnyânâm Agnaye svâhety uttaratah Somâyeti dakshinato. 18. viparîtam itara. 19. ágyam upastîrya havisho svadyen mekshanena madhyât purastâd iti.
17-27 (18, 23 desunt)=1, 8, 3-29.
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