5. Optionally (he may invite only one Brâhmana) except at the first (Sraddha).
6. By the exposition of) the Pinda sacrifice (the corresponding rules) have been declared (for the Sraddha ceremonies also).
7. Having given water (to the Brâhmanas),
8. Having given to them double-folded Darbha blades, and a seat,
9. Having (again) given water (to them),
10. Having poured water into three vessels of metal, of stone, and of earthen-ware, or (into three vessels) made of the same substance, over which he has put Darbha grass,
II. And having recited over (that water the verse), For luck and help the divine waters' (Rig-veda X, 9, 4), he pours sesamum seeds into it with (the formula), 'Sesamum art thou; Soma is thy deity; at the Gosava sacrifice thou hast been created by
5. Anâdye. Of the different interpretations of this word which Narayana gives, it may suffice here to quote two. The first Sraddha may either mean the Pârvana Sraddha, because this stands first among the different kinds of Sraddha ceremonies enumerated in Satra 1; or it may mean the Sapindîkarana (see Sânkhayana IV, 3), for this is the first occasion on which a dead person receives Sraddha oblations together with two others of the Fathers.
6. The sacrifice to the Manes, as forming part of the Srauta ritual, is explained in the Srauta-sūtra II, 6 seq.
8. Yâgñavalkya I, 229.
9. Yâgñavalkya I, 230. The reading of several words of the Mantra is doubtful, and the parallel texts, as Prof. Stenzler has not failed to observe, differ; especially the words pratnavadbhih prattah seem to me to be corrupt. The word pratnavat is only known to the Petersburg Dictionary as having the meaning,
containing the word pratna,' which will not do here. Thus, I think that the reading pratnam adbhih priktah should be adopted; the translation would be, 'Anciently thou hast been mixed with water.'
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