6. From six, twelve, or an indefinite number. 7. From his own mother first, according to some (teachers).
8. Having announced the alms received to his teacher, he should stand, keeping silence, through the rest of the day, according to some.
9. Having fetched fire-wood out of the forest without damaging (trees), he should put them on that fire as above, and should abandon his silence.
10. He should sleep on the ground and eat no pungent or saline food.
II. Wearing the staff, worshipping the fire, being obedient to his Guru, going the rounds for alms(these are the standing duties of students).
12. He should avoid honey or flesh, bathing (for pleasure), sitting on high seats, going to women, falsehood, and taking what is not given to him.
13. Let him live forty-eight years as a student for the (four) Vedas,
14. Or twelve years for each Veda,
15. Or until he has learnt it.
16. The garment (of a student) should be made of hemp, flax, or wool (accordingly as he is a Brâhmana, a Kshatriya, or a Vaisya).
17. The upper garment of a Brâhmana should be an antelope-skin,
18. That of a Râganya the skin of a spotted deer,
8. Asvalâyana 1. 1. §§ 10, 11.
9. The meaning is, he should not break off branches, but only gather such as have fallen off. The words 'as above' refer to chap. 4.
12. Gautama II, 13; Âpastamba I, 2, 23. 28–30. 21. 26. 13-15. Comp. Âpastamba I, 2, 12 seqq.; Âsvalâyana I, 22, 3.
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