putting on the same badge. They spread out the seasons, the knowing sages; having the metres in their midst they walk around, the brilliant ones. Svâhâ !
(b) The shining one clothes herself with clouds, with the ways of the sun, the divine night: manifold animals which are born, look about in this mother's lap. Svâhâ !
(c) 'The Ekâshtaka, devoting herself to austerities, has given birth to a child, to the majesty of Indra. Through him the gods have conquered the hostile tribes; he became the killer of the Asuras through his (divine) powers. Svâhâ !
(d) “You have made me who am not the younger (sister), the younger; speaking the truth I desire this: may I be in his (i.e. the sacrificer's ?) favour, as you are; may none of you supplant the other in her work.
(e) 'In my favour dwelt the omniscient one; he has found a firm standing; he has got a footing. May I be in his (i.e. the sacrificer's ?) favour, as you are; may none of you supplant the other in her work.
(f) .On the five dawns follows the fivefold milking; on the cow with the five names, the five seasons. The five regions (of the sky) are estab
madhyekhandas, comp. Taitt. Samh. loc. cit. $ 1: khandasvati ushasa pepisâne; § 2: katushtomo abhavad yâ turîyâ yagñasya pakshâv rishayo bhavantî, gâyatrîm trishtubham gagatîm anushtubham brihad arkam yungânâh suvar ábharann idam.
(d) Probably one Ashtaka addresses the others, her sisters, as Gayarâma explains this verse.
(f) The explanation by which the fivefold milking' is referred to what is called in Taitt. Brahmana II, 2, 9, 'the milkings of Pragâpati,' seems to me more than doubtful, for the milkings
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