13. And in the middle of the rainy season (there is) a fourth Ashtakâ on which vegetables are offered.
KANDIKÂ 4. 1. Now the building of the house. 2. Let him have his house built on an auspicious
3. Into the pits (in which the posts shall be erected) he pours an oblation with (the words), 'To the steady one, the earth-demon, svâhâ !' 4. He erects the post.
This navel of the world I set up, a stream of wealth, promoting wealth. Here I erect a firm house; may it stand in peace, dropping ghee.
Rich in horses and cows, rich in delight be set up, for the sake of great happiness. To thee may the young calf cry, to thee the lowing cows, the milkcows.
'To thee (may) the young child (go), to thee the calf with its companions, to thee the cup of Parisrut, to thee (may they go) with pots of curds.
13. I have stated in the note on Sânkhâyana III, 13, 1 my reasons for believing that the true reading of this Sûtra is not madhyâvarshe (in the middle of the rainy season), but maghyavarshe (the festival celebrated during the rainy season under the Nakshatra Maghâs). There are no express rules given with regard to the third Ashtakâ, but I think we should understand this Sûtra as involving a statement on that Ashtaka : (The third Ashtaka) and the fourth, on the Maghyavarsha day, are Sâkâshtakâs (Ashtakâs on which vegetables are offered). Sânkhâyana (Grihya III, 13, 1) declares that the ritual of the fourth Ashtakâ is identical with that of the second.
4, 3. Asvalâyana-Grihya II, 8, 15.
4. On gagadaih saha (in the third verse) see my note on Sankhayana-Grihya III, 2, 9.
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