III KÂNDA, 3 KANDIKÂ, 6. 343 lished through the fifteenfold (Stoma); with one common face (they look over) the one world. Svâhâ !
(g) 'She who shone forth as the first, is the child of truth. One (of them) bears the majesty of the waters; one wanders in the courses of the sun; one (in those) of the heat; Savitri shall govern one. Svâhâ !
(h) She who shone forth as the first has become a cow in Yama's realm. Give us milk, thou who art rich in milk, year by year. Svâhâ !
(i) 'She, the owner of bright bulls, has come to us with clouds and with light, she who has all shapes, the motley one, whose banner is fire. Carrying on the common work, leading us to old age, come to us thou who art exempt from old age, Ushas! Svâhâ !
(k) •The consort of the seasons, the first one has come to us, the leader of days, the producer of offspring. Being one, thou shinest manifold, Ushas. Being free from old age, thou leadest to old age everything else. Svâhâ !'
6. He makes offerings of the mess of cooked food with (the verses) :
* May the earth be peaceful, the air friendly to us;
of Pragâpati' are only four : viz. the dark night, the moonlight, the twilight, and the day.
(i) Sukra-rishabhâ cannot be translated, as Professor Stenizler does, die schönste unter den Lichtern' (Madhava : sukreshu nakshatradishu sreshtha), for this meaning of rishabhâ occurs only in later texts. The word is a Bahuvrîhi compound, as the Petersburg Dictionary explains it.
6. In the first verse I have omitted vya snavai, which impedes the construction and violates the metre. The word has found its way into the text, no doubt, in consequence of the phrase dîrgham â yur vyasna vai occurring in chap. 2, 2. In the second verse
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