2. If he cannot get it for both, only for the teacher.
3. He then should get a piece of wood of a tree which is sacrificially pure, in a north-eastern direction
4. Sappy (wood) if he wishes for the enjoyment of food, or for prosperity, or for splendour; dry (wood), if for holy lustre,
5. (Wood) which is both (sappy and dry, in its different parts), if (he wishes) for both.
6. Having put the piece of wood on high, and having given a cow and food to the Brahmanas, he should perform the ceremony of shaving the beard.
7. He should alter the texts so that they refer to himself.
8. With Ekaklitaka (he should perform the rub. bing).
9. Having washed himself with lukewarm water, and having put on two (new) garments which have not yet been washed, with the verse), 'Garments with fat splendour you put on, (Mitra and Varuna)' (Rig-veda I, 152, 1), he should anoint his eyes with (the words), 'The sharpness of the stone art thou ; protect my eye.
10. With (the words), The sharpness of the stone
8, 6. On high' means 'not on the ground' (Nârâyana). On the gaudâ nikam karma (the shaving of the beard), comp. above, Adhyâya 1, Kandikâ 18. The word 'ceremony' would mean here, according to Nârâyana, that he should perform the rite alone, without observing such prescriptions as stated above, I, 18, 7.
7. Thus, instead of Herb protect him l' (I, 17, 8) he is to say, Herb ! protect me!' and so on.
8. Ekaklîtaka is, according to Narayana and the Prayogaratna, the seed of such a Karañga fruit (Pongamia Glabra, Vent.) which contains only one grain of seed. Such grains are pounded before he rubs himself therewith.
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