22. Let him throw (some food) on the ground for the dogs, for the dog-butchers, and for the birds. 23. Let him eat nothing without having cut off (and offered as a Bali) a portion thereof.
24. (Let him) not (eat) alone,
25. Nor before (the others).
26. With regard thereto it has been said also in the Rik, 'In vain the fool gains food' (Rig-veda X, 117, 6).
1. Should any one of the six persons (mentioned in the Srauta-sûtra and in the Sûtras 4-9) to whom the Arghya reception is due, visit (him), let him make (ready) a cow, a goat, or what (sort of food) he thinks most like (thereto).
2. Let the Argha not be without flesh.
3. On the occasion of a sacrifice and of a wedding let (the guest) say, 'Make it (ready).'
22, 23. Probably these Sutras should be divided after iti.
23. Purvam means, he should not eat before his relations (bandhubhyah pûrvam prathamatah).' Nârâyana.
15, 1. This Sutra presupposes the Srauta-sûtra IV, 21, 1: 'To six persons the Argha reception is due, viz. to the teacher, to an officiating priest, to the father-in-law, to a king, to a Snâtaka, to a friend.' Here the fourth person mentioned is the svasura, while in the Grihya text the expression vaivâhya is used. It is difficult not to believe that both words are used in the same sense, and accordingly Nârâyana says vivâhyah svasurah. Comp. Professor Stenzler's note on Pâraskara I, 3, 1; Âpastamba II, 8, 7; Gautama V, 27.
Sâmânyatamam sadrisatamam mâshâdikam (mâkhâdikam the MS.) annam. Nârâyana.
2, 3. These Sutras are identical with Pâraskara I, 3, 29. 30. The following Sûtra of Pâraskara stands in the Sânkhâyana text as
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