to Agni; may he, god Aryaman, loosen her from this, and not from that place, Svâhâ !
"To god Varuna the girls have made sacrifice, to Agni; may he, god Varuna, &c.
*To god Pashan the girls have made sacrifice, to Agni; may he, god pashan, &c.'—with (these verses recited by the bridegroom) she should sacrifice (the fried grain) without opening her joined hands, as if (she did so) with the (spoon called) Sruk.
14. Without that leading round (the fire, she sacrifices grain) with the neb of a basket towards herself silently a fourth time.
15. Some lead the bride round each time after the fried grain has been poured out: thus the two last oblations do not follow immediately on each other.
16. He then loosens her two locks of hair, if they are made, (i.e. if) two tufts of wool are bound round her hair on the two sides,
17. With (the Rik), 'I release thee from the band of Varuna' (Rig-veda X, 85, 24).
18. The left one with the following (Rik).
19. He then causes her to step forward in a northeastern direction seven steps with (the words), 'For sap with one step, for juice with two steps, for thriving of wealth with three steps, for comfort with four steps, for offspring with five steps, for the seasons
14, 15. According to those teachers whose opinion is related in Satras 6-14, the leading round the fire, the treading on the stone, and the offering of fried grain (with the three parts of the Mantra, Sätra 13) are repeated thrice; then follows the offering prescribed in Satra 14, so that the last two offerings follow immediately on each other. This is not the case, if in the first three instances the order of the different rites is inverted, as stated in Sûtra 15.
In Sûtra 14 Narayana explains sûrpa pula by kona. 19. Sânkhâyana-Grihya I, 14, 5. 6; 13, 2; Pâraskara I, 8, 1.
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