Book Title: Laghutattvasphota
Author(s): Amrutchandracharya, Padmanabh S Jaini, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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लघुतत्त्वस्फोट: शन्योऽपि निर्भरभृतोऽसि भृतोऽपि चान्यशन्योऽन्यशून्यविभवोऽप्यसि नैकपूर्णः। त्वं नेकपूर्णमहिमापि सदैक एव कः शीतलेति चरितं तव मातुमीष्टे ॥१०॥ sūnyo 'pi nirbharabhrto 'si bhrto 'pi cânya
sūnyo 'nyaśūnyavibhavo 'py asi naikapürṇaḥ / tvam naikapūrņamahimā 'pi sadaika eva
kaḥ Sitaleti caritam tava mätum îşte 1/101/ Although devoid (of passions, etc.), you are complete (with your own qualities and modes). Although (thus) complete, you are devoid of the qualities and modes) cf others. Although (thus) devoid of others, you are filled with many (objects, which are reflected in your kncwledge). Although endowed with the greatness that derives from being (thus) filled with others, you remain always One (i. e. unified consciousness). Thus, O Lord Šitala, who can measure your (profound nature)? (10) [10]
नित्योऽपि नाशमुपयासि न यासि नाशं नष्टोऽपि सम्भवमुपैषि पुनः प्रसह्य । जातोऽप्यजात इति तर्कयतां विभासि श्रेयःप्रभोद्भुतनिधान किमेतदीदृक् ॥११॥
nityo 'pi nāśam upayāsi na yāsi nāśam
nașto 'pi sambhavam upaiși punaḥ prasahya, jāto 'py ajāta iti turkayatām vibhāsi
Śreyahprabho 'dbhutanidhāna kim etad id;k ||11|| O Lord Śreyas! Although eternal (from the substance point of view), and hence indestructible, you come to destruction (from the modal point of view). Although (thus) destroyed, you again forcefully come into existence (i. e. a new mode arises to replace that which has been lost). Although (thus) born, you are indeed not born (i. e. from the substance point of view, you have always existed). O Treasure of wonders! You illuminate those who ask themselves "why is this ?" (with regard to your wondrous nature). (11) [11]
सन्नप्यसन्स्फुटमसम्पपि संश्च भासि सन्मांश्च सत्त्वसमवायमितो न भासि । सत्त्वं स्वयं विभव भासि न चासि सत्त्वं सन्मात्रवस्त्वसि गुणोऽसि न वासुपूज्य ॥१२॥ .
sann apy asan sphusam asann api samś ca bhāsi
sanm amś ca sattvasamavāyam ito na bhäsi / sattvam svayam vibhava bhāsi na cāsi sattvam
sanmäravasty asi guno 'si na Vasupujya //12/
O Vasupuiya! Although you exist (from the point of view of substance), it clearly appears that (from the point of view of modes) you do not
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