Book Title: Laghutattvasphota
Author(s): Amrutchandracharya, Padmanabh S Jaini, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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( artean] क्रियकमूलं भवमूलमुल्बणं क्रियामयेन क्रिययव निधनता । क्रियाकलापः सकलः किल त्वया समुच्छलच्छीलभरेण शोलितः ॥१॥ kriyaikamūlam bhavamūlam ulbanam
kriyāmayena kriyayaiva nighnatā / kriyākalāpaḥ sakalah kila tvayā
samucchalacchilabharena śćļitaḥ 1/1// The powerful roots of mundane existence are based primarily on (wrong) action ; you have destroyed them by (right) action. Endowed with (ever) more excellent conduct and filled with (right) action, your entire range of activities becomes (characterized by) perfect conduct. (1) [126]
अमन्दनिर्वेदपरेण चेतसा समग्रभोगान् प्रविहाय निःस्पृहः । तपोऽनले जुह वदिह स्वजीवितं बभौ भवभ्रंशकुतूहली भवान् ॥२॥ amandanirvedaparena cetasä
samagrabhogān pravihāya nihsprhaḥ / tapo'nale juhvad iha svajivitam
babhau bhavabhramšakutūhali bhavān 1211 Your heart imbued with th: profound disenchantment, you abandoned all possessions and became deviod of all (worldly) desires. Offering up your own earthly [iha] life into the fire of austerities, you became inspired, eager to be finished with mundane existence. (2) (127)
भवस्य पन्थानमनादिवाहितं विहाय सद्यः शिववमं वाहयन् । विभो परावृत्य विदूरमन्तरं कथं च नाऽध्वानमवाप्तवानसि ॥३॥ bhavasya panthānam anādivähitam
vihaya sadyah sivavartma vāhayan / vibho parāvrtya viduram anataram
katham ca nā’dhvānam avāptavān asi 1/31/ O Omniscient One ! Throwing away and abandoning the path of trunsmig. ration, which you had traversed since beginningless time, you suddenly began to walk over the path to the holy (freedom). Somehow you cut across a great distance (i. e. you made incredibly rapid progress) and arrived at the path. (3) [128]
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