Book Title: Laghutattvasphota
Author(s): Amrutchandracharya, Padmanabh S Jaini, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 277
________________ 228 श्रीमदमृतचन्द्रविरिचितः I am constantly blazing forth (i.e. mindful) on every side; may the puțapäkal of my intensely undertaken (practice of pure) conduct, both internal and external, be accomplished in the fire of knowledge. As a result of (accomplishing) this, there shine forth all the beautiful splendours of one's ire, which are "fallen" (i.e. experienced) along the path of self-realization; (these splendours, furthermore) become manifest through the falling away of the entire mass of the stains of passions. (25) [625) XXV अस्याः स्वयं रभसि गाढनिपीडितायाः संवितिकाशरसवीचिभिरुल्लसन्त्याः । आस्वादयत्वमृतचन्द्रकवीन्द्र एष हृष्यन् बहूनि म (भी)णितानि मुहुः स्वशक्तेः ॥१॥ asyāḥ svayam rabhasi gådhanipiditāyāḥ samvidvikāśarasavicibhir ullasantyäh/ āsvādayaty Amrtacandrakavindra eșa hrsyan bahūni mcbh ?)anitāni muhuh svasakteh 11111 May the king of the poets (i.e. Amstacandra, the author) happily experienece over again the essence of the manifold jewels (i.e. words) expressed through his own power. (This power) shines forth beautifully with waves of ambrosia in the form of the expansion of self-realization; (and it operates) under the great impact of its own energy. (1) [626] स्याद्वादवम॑नि परात्मविचारसारे ज्ञानकियातिशयवैभवभावनायाम् । शब्दार्थसड्यटनसोम्नि रसातिरेके व्युत्पत्तिमाप्तुमनसा दिगसौ शिशूनाम् ॥२॥ इत्यमृतेचन्द्रसूरीणां कृतिः शक्तिम (भ? )णितकोशो नाम लघुतत्त्यस्फोटः समाप्तः ॥७॥ syadvādavartmani parātmavicärasāre jñánakriyātiśayavaibhavabhāvanāyām / śabdārthasanghatanasimni rasātireke vyutpattim aptumunasām dig asau śiśūnām 112/1 ity Amstacandrasūriņām krtih Śaktim(bh) anitakośo näma Laghutattvasphoțah samăptaḥ 1/chal/ This composition (of mine) is merely (intended) to give direction to "children" (ie. ignorant ones) whose hearts are desirous of understanding (the following): the path of syäd-vāda; excellent reflections on the nature of the self and 1. A method of cooking, in which the food is wrapped in a leaf and heated for a long period. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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