Book Title: Laghutattvasphota
Author(s): Amrutchandracharya, Padmanabh S Jaini, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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bhinno bhedam spṛśati na vibho nasty abhinnasya bhedo bhedabhedadvayapariṇatas tvam tu nityam tathāpi | bhinnair bhāvair varada bhavato bhinnabhavasya sākṣāt
svāmin kā 'nyā gatir iha bhavet taddvayam te vihāya ||5||
O Omniscient One! Things which are divided do not touch upon unity, and there is no division of that which is partless. Nevertheless, you constantly undergo transformation by way of your dual aspects, (namely) division and non-division. O Master! You are endowed with the state of differentiation from the mundane world, because you (come to possess) different (i.e. nonmundane) states. And you also possess the state of non-differentiation, because of being unified with your manifold qualities. In this world, how indeed can your nature be anything other than (the combination of) these two, (namely unity and differentiation)? (5) [530]
amrzeziccafa Afgan fa faatset fand
fi:ara: rafag fann aızarà farior: gazzaqafqafanatazaqdıugsoì
दृष्टं वित्तिस्फुरितसरसस्त्वं हि वस्तुत्वमेषि ॥ ६ ॥ sāmānyasyollasati mahimā kim vina 'sau viseṣair
niḥsāmānyāḥ svam iha kim amî dhārayante viseṣāḥ | ekadravyaglapitavitatānantaparyāyapuñjo
dṛṣṭam vittisphuritasarasas tvam hivastutvam eşi |16||
Can the majesty of the universal shine forth without the particulars? (No.) And can these particulars exist in this world without the universal? (No.) Indeed, you are one who is a mass of infinite, already-exhausted (i.e. past) modes that operate within one substance (i.e. you are endowed with particularity), and yet you have one unified nature, by means of knowledge, (which is) manifested (in all modes. And thus) you clearly come to be an existent by way of both of these (i.e. you are both unified and diversified). (6) [531]
एकोsनेको न भवति न चानेक एकत्वमेति
zuca Danguunutra g fei cura fag: 1 जानीमोऽन्यद्भवति किल यो यत् समाहारजन्मा
तस्यावश्यं भवति युगपत्तत्स्वभावोऽनुभावः ॥७॥
eko 'neko na bhavati na cāneka ekatvam eti
vyaktam hy etat tadubhayamayas tvam tu kim syān na vidmaḥ/ tasyāvasyam bhavati yugapat tat svabhāvo 'nubhāvaḥ ||7||
jānîmo 'nyad bhavati kila yo yatsamāhārajanmā
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