Book Title: Laghutattvasphota
Author(s): Amrutchandracharya, Padmanabh S Jaini, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 245
________________ 196 श्रीमदमृतचन्द्रविरचित: इदमति भन्नानाकारं समं स्नपयन् जगत्परिणतिमितो नानाकारस्तवेश ! चकास्त्ययम् । azfq_agasrtuı Gazzarmeen: egefa afzaisùmımızfeadmagra:1 idam atibharan nānākāram samam snapayan jagat pariṇatim ito nānākārais taveśa cakasty ayam/ tad api sahajavyāptyā rundhann avāntarabhāvanāḥ sphurati parito 'py ekākāras cidekamahārasaḥ ||6|| O Lord! The glorious ambrosia of your unified consciousness "bathes," as it were, the manifold forms of this entire universe. (And although) this (ambrosia) has attained to modes by way of the various forms (of objects), it nevertheless expands its innate nature and on every side arrests the manifold forms taken in by knowledge. Thus it attains to new modes and yet shines forth in total unification. (6) [556] सममुदयतः शान्तातङकैः स्वभावविलासिभिश्चिदचलकलापुञ्जः पुञ्जीकृतात्मविशुद्धिभिः । अयमतिभरक्षोभारम्भैः स्फुटानुभवस्तव प्रलयमगमच्चित्राकारः कषायपरिग्रहः ॥७॥ samam udayataḥ śäntätankaiḥ svabhāvavilāsibhis cidacalakalāpuñjaiḥ puñjîkṛtātmaviśuddhibhiḥ| ayam atibharakṣobhārambhaiḥ sphuṭānubhavas tava ३॥ pralayam agamac citrākāraḥ kaṣāyaparigrahaḥ ||7|| You rise to (great) heights (i.e. to omniscience), endowed with the mass of undivided consciousness in which all fears have been quieted, in which the purity of soul has been totally concentrated, and which shines forth in its innate nature. (When you attatin to omniscience), the parasitic passions, which are clearly experienced in their variegated forms through the affliction producing activities, (all) go to (total) dissolution. (7) [557] zzufa uzr ɛata181ż zną aftanszczzsfanafad aruqrifafgangasaugi अयमभिभवन्नन्तस्तत्त्वं जनस्य निराश्रय (?) सि (स्थि) तिकपदग्रन्थिर्गाढस्तवा प्रविलीयते ।। ८ ।। udayasi yada dhvastādhāram bharat parito 'skhalat pravitatam idam samyksamvidvitānam udañcayan] ayam abhibhavann antas tattvam janasya nirāśraya (*)s[th]itikapadagranthir gāḍhas tada pravilîyate |18|| Jain Education International When you rise (to omniscience), manifesting the pervasive true insight which has done away with all dependencies (such as sense faculties, light, etc.). and which spreads unobstructed on all sides, then this firm knot (of passions), which obscures the inner reality of beings, is deprived of any substratum and thus is totally dissolved. (8) [558] For Private & Personal Use Only


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