Book Title: Laghutattvasphota
Author(s): Amrutchandracharya, Padmanabh S Jaini, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 273
________________ श्रीमदमृतचन्द्रविरचितः Self-realization is strong as a result of being firmly secured in one's own object, (namely the self); it involves extremely sharp awareness of the self at every part of every moment. Those men who, in this world, constantly possess this (self-realization) have their vision well-placed in contemplation of the true nature of reality. With equanimity towards all (things), they reside in their own selves, which are completely clear and perfectly filled with (both) the universal and the particular (aspects) of consciousness (i.e. the intuition and knowledge, respectively). (17) [617] 224 seura£fgmìquinfafasuayamay, **atfu: andanıgaräffienfufora: gat i एक: कोsपि हठप्रहारवलितध्वान्तः स्वतत्त्वं स्पृशन् fasat.gifafanaenginı*u faxıfa 118511 atyantadraḍhimopayoganibiḍagrastaśrutajñānabhūr bhūyobhiḥ samasamyamāmṛtarasair nityābhiṣiktaḥ kṛtî/ ekaḥ ko 'pi haṭhaprahāradalitadhvāntaḥ svatattvam spṛśan viśvodbhāsiviśälakevalamahîm ākramya viśramyati ||18|| The (fortunate) one (i.e. one who is ready to attain liberation), by means of applying himself to the entire field of scriptural knowledge with great resolution, totally grasps (this knowledge, and thus gains intellectual understanding of the nature of the soul). He remains constantly "sprinkled" with (i.e. immersed in) the ambrosia in the form of restraints which lead to perfectly pure conduct. He accomplishes (his goal, namely the destruction of the mohanîya karmas) and dispels the darkness (of ignorance by destroying), through a forceful attack, (those karmas which obscure knowledge and intuition). Such a soul, touching his own reality (i.e. self), attains to the domain of infinite omniscient knowledge, which illuminates the whole universe; only then does he come to rest. (18) [618] आजन्मनुपलब्ध शुद्ध महसः स्वावस्तवासौ स्फुट: सर्वाङ्गं मदयन् प्रसह्य कुरुते कन्न प्रमादास्पदम् । माद्यन्तोऽपि निशातसंयमरुचो नैव प्रमाद्यन्ति ये तेषामेव समुच्छलस्यविकलः काले विलीनंनसा ॥१९॥ ājanmānup tl'abdhaśuddhamahasaḥ svādas tavāsau sphutaḥ sarvangam madayan prasahya kurute kam na pramādāspadam/ madyanto 'pi niśātasamyamaruco naiva pramādyanti ye teṣām eva samucchalasy avikalaḥ kale vilinainasă ||19|| Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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